About Saby
Joined August 2010
Hi Everybody!
I am 36 years old Hungarian man, this moment I am living in United Kingdom with my lovely wife, city of Bournemouth and working here, maybe the next year I will move to France to Marseilles area, definietly some nice worm place.
I love animals (I have French bulldog), I love to playing football with her, and I like the good life, most the croissant with coffe in a sunny morning.
I beleve evryting is possibile, I am very positiv person, I think that I will be a man possibly who asks most questions, bicouse I am beginner, my English is not a best and my writing not perfect but I learning it non-stop.
I am very happy here for the real people, real support.
Why I am here? Because I read before very much good sales page what is promised everiting, but never became thrue, all bull shit Sorry but it is, I just wasted my time and my money.
I am always find people who is lookig for a job 9-5 , I Know who is working no time to earn money .
I am here because of I would like learn it how really possible to earn for big money online, not monthly 10,20, 50 100 dollars, I talking about daily 100,500,1000 dollars.
If somebody else can make money Online I can make as well , simply just learn everiting what you need.
„If you do not have enough money in your pocket you do not know something or you do not can well, get the knowledge and you will have earning the money” (Szabolcs Szabo Urban)
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Saby Premium
Thank You every welcome massage, I just start learning WA end build up my page.
webkab Premium
Hello and welcome to WA. There's lots of valuable info on this site. Take the training and go to potpiegirls blog. There you will find videos that will help you get started.
Best of luck to you
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Work hard! Work smart! Follow the instructions! Get on the forum. John
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
Louise M. Premium
it's not THAT silly lol. ;)
Go to his profile (https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/index.php/wa_spaces_profile/index/pid/341) and click on send PM on the sidebar on the right. :)
Saby Premium
Hi Luise!
First stupid question, how send PM To Marcus ?
Thanks Saby
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family