Want to break pattern of Inactivity...

Last Update: February 15, 2010

I want to break the pattern... the pattern of inactivity in order to break the pattern of ZEROs in the clickbank account.

Its been quite a while and I have done nothing...except learning. I am going to put in efforts and do whatever it takes to make first sale by next week...

Just a lesson learnt... I learn more not by reading but by putting in action whatever little I learn. 

Best wishes to everybody in their own ventures, goals... And wish the journey towards achieving the goal is enjoyable...

Thank you all for having good wishes, support for each other.

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Sach411 Premium
Sach411 Premium
Thanks margaux25 for the gr8 suggestion. I could see the effect the very first day... I am online since 3 hours almost now. Did some keyword research for one of the lens I had planned to write today. Then started reading articles related to that and trying to figure out what could be the user thinking and typing to find solution to his problem.
Having said that. I became slow and suddenly felt like sleeping without even starting to write lens. I almost convinced myself to do that and suddenly thought of checking my WA blogspace.. saw your post and encouragement. Will sit 30 mins more now and complete squidoo... :) Thank you. margaux25
margaux25 Premium
Let's make you accountable. Would that help? Post everyday was you got done that day. Make a short list of at least three things that you need to accomplish. Then let us know how you did.