
Last Update: April 13, 2011

Now that I've been with WA for a little more than a month, with nothing real to show for it, I thought I'd post this blog to tell you why, and hopefully forewarn fellow newbies not to fall into what I fell into. I don't even have a name for whatever it is I fell into...the closest word that comes to it is probably...darn. I'll call it "darn." That's how bad it is, lol, that I can't find a better word than that.

What is obvious, though, is that I'm thinking sorely of the past 35 (exactly 35 days as of this post! My, how time flies.) days that I let go to waste. I sat, staring at this screen while logged into WA, stalking posts by fellow members, pretending to soak up all the lessons I'd read and watched and then finding that I learned nothing. I ended up having to read and watch them all over again, this second time taking notes and trying hard to keep my eyes from crossing. 

It wasn't, or isn't, the content--far from it! The content, if anything, is the best I've ever encountered in all of my learning. So I deduced that since the content wasn't the problem, it was me. 

I was hoping I'd see the silver lining to the rainy cloud that started following me overhead as I struggled with my fear of writing. That, and my awful, awful procrastination in finding a niche.

At first, when I joined, I was hopeful--really, really hopeful. I figured, once I dove deep into the lessons and followed the instructions step-by-step, then it would be a piece of cake. Easy-peasy. Nothing to it.

I was proud of myself when I bought my first domain and set WA to host it. But then I hit a brick wall--one that unknowingly I put up myself. I had no idea what to write about, or how to write it. I remember being relatively good in English back in high school and college, but those days were SO long ago (heh). Anything I was writing now was basically going in circles; even I could tell. No quality content here; no, sir. Furthermore, reading about how Google switched up it's algorithms or something other to reject irrelevant articles didn't exactly get me excited to write, either.

But I digress, as I've been known to do.

I had to look back at everything I've been doing--or not doing, rather--and put it into perspective. I see now that I failed to do 2 very important things:

  1. Plan out your objectives.
  2. Execute the plan.
And then finally the most important thing was to always--and I mean ALWAYS--K.I.S.S. it, and that means:

Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Fellow newbies, don't do like I did. Don't overthink it; just DO it, like a Nike commercial. And don't be afraid to do it, because it's better than doing nothing at all. DOING is what gets you RESULTS. Rather than a lame post like this.

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Naganco Premium
I just came across your blog post and I wanted to say three things. First of all, you have summed up what I have been feeling lately. I just joined last month and I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Secondly, thank you for the pep talk. Its just what I needed to hear. I will be writing out my objectives for each week, executing my plan, and keeping it simple. I'm sure I've been over thinking this and its had me frozen in my tracks. Lastly, I agree with our fellow member who who said that your post is proof that you write well. Keep it up and I know you will be successful. Good luck!
burntout Premium
You are smarter than what you give yourself credit for. Delivering value is what makes your marketing efforts effective. Identifying what you moves you and putting that into motion is much more effective than just selling chrome because it is chrome and people buy it. Create a blog site just for you and talk about what you love and do most naturally.(your'e not only an expert now, your'e very creditable, toss in a few affiliate products you like, and guess what?) You can write well as evidenced in your blog post. You are educating yourself as evidenced by your comment on googles algorithisms. Follow your heart and not your pocket book. You are set to succeed. Best of luck!
Labman_1 Premium
Took me 3 months before I put my first words out there. Slow out of the blocks but I'm cookin' with gas now. Don't beat yourself up, focus on keyword research and FIND THAT NICHE. They're out there waiting for you. Like Kyle often says, it's not a race. Constancy will get you there. Do something each day and you will be amazed how much you get done.
Sherion Premium
Now you know. So, do it. You will be fine.