About Sal1959
Joined March 2010
Well, I'm a techno-phobe of the past 30 years, spent countless hours in class etc. trying to keep up with IT technology - a.k.a. keeping myself marketable to stay employed. Way too much work for way too little pay, not to mention Quality of life is lacking. Despite all this technological "knowledge" I haven't clue what IM is all about. The concept of really using cookies, SEO, etc. although intriguing is foreign to me. I'm optimistic that'll change in the very near future.

Gave up the Traveling IT gig for an ownership in an HVAC company which is barely making it. Also did the Real Estate investment routine: Can you spell "Headache".

Anyhow, I'm very hopeful that with each other's help and God's blessings, we'll all be VERY successful. If all we need is Hard Work and Persistence, then I'm all in. Good luck to all and Godspeed.
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Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Sal1959 Premium
Thanks Louise. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone succeed in addition to myself. Although I have a LOT to learn, my aim is to help all I can succeed also. Thanks!
SpiritRocker Premium
Welcome. Looking forward to the challenge with new friends!
Sal1959 Premium
Thanks! Been here less than a day. Going thru the motions of stumbling abit and learning the ropes. A bit humbling at first.
asanchez Premium
Hi, Just got started too, can I add you as a buddy?
Sal1959 Premium
Absolutely. I too am a total novice to IM despite all the years of serious in-depth technical studies etc. (If I only knew :) )

Whatta say, let's do this thing together. I'm excited to get moving. Keep in touch!
Sal1959 Premium
Hello all. Signed up today. Program looks really solid and makes a lot f sense. So I'm very eager to learn and be part of the community. You got to love the support!.

Anyhow, I've been involved in the electronic, IT, computer fileds for the past 30 years. Made some good cash at the expense of missing my kids grow up in their early years.

I now am part owner of an HVAC company, but it too, is all work and little play - still not close to being financially independent. I'm here to learn, grow, earn and help others along the way - if I can. My expectations are VERY high. Together, with God's blessing, we can't lose.
Sal1959 Premium
Hello. Ex-IT Network/Electronic engineer, Christian, looking for a rewarding career as an Internet Marketing professional. I'd like nothing more than to finally use the Internet to become financially independent while helping others to do the same. This is where the reward really lies.