About Sandy
Joined May 2008
I am a cool person, a little hardworking, creative and fun loving. Like friendly n humorous people. I am here to earn a lot of money. I am looking on how to grow my businesses on an Internet platform. Looking for new clients or interesting projects on the web. Any kind of feedbacks are welcome.
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sox1n05 Premium
Hey there! Thanks for the response to my blog! I'm glad that you like it! I love writing blogs because not only does it sort of "track" my progress, but it could also help other people as well!

Thanks again and let me know if I can give you a hand with anything!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Sandy. Thanks for the invite. I've added you to my buddy list as well. Hope all is going well for you. J.
sandy Premium
That is really sad. I can understand. Further, I could not give enough time to WA due to my other business ventures. However I am trying to follow the 8 week plan and will gain momentum very soon.
sandy Premium
Oh God.. these wordings are so inspiring.. I am also working full time on the internet since last 1 year. As I started earning money, I left my job. WA is only one of them and there are other methods also. WA is a thing of future earning and that is why I am not able to give it much time. I am a seller at ebay and amazon and earning most of my profits from there.
Please send me an email at sandeep404@hotmail.com and I will send you some information regarding this. Hope you will find it helpful in earning some money.
sandy Premium
It is nice to see that you have started working with WA. I still have not completed 8 week plan and I have reached at 6th week and will finish all this by sept 15. I am too much busy with by ebay selling and hope this will not be a obstacle in my path to success via WA.
All of your replies are encouraging and 2 coins to you for this. Ha ha ha ..
Further, please let me know about your experience with WA. If you have developed some understanding of this and you think that may be helpful to me, please let me know.

sandy Premium
Dear Sir, Thanks for the helpful words. You are full of experience and your company will definitely enrich me. I am selling electronics on ebay and recently started the same on amazon.
WA has so many resources and sometimes I am confused what I should read and what should not. Anyway I will keep your suggestions in mind and will work accordingly. I am not in a hurry of making money and want to understand the procedure first. Thanks.
sandy Premium
I have gone through your blogs and they are really very good. Can you tell me which service you are using for these blogs. I uses blogger.com but blogger.com is always addes to website name and it does not look professional.

Further, I have not spent much time on WA and still busy with my other works. I always plan to spend time here but my other works don't spare me to do this. :) Have you done something on article marketing/PPC Campaigns.???
Please let me know. Also, do you use your gold anywhere? I have not used it yet??
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Sandy, Welcome to WA!! Let's all earn alot of money. Thanks for being my first buddy. :)
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Sandy, I lost my Labrador Retriever of 15 years on May 15th and was pretty down for the rest of that week. He was my best bud and pretty much went everywhere with me from the time he was 6 weeks old. My husband bought me a 3 month old Lab puppy last week and as you can imagine he has kept me pretty busy. I'm not as far along as I would like to be right now, I was really busy at work, my JOB, plus didn't feel all that great, (think I must have had a bug or something), so didn't have a lot of time to put into my WA homework. However, I am ready to hit the ground running this week and actually plan on working on that today.

How are you coming along? Are you earning lots of money yet? LOL Thanks for keeping in touch.

PS. I have some pics of my new puppy Charlie on my page. :)
MaryJ2010 Premium
Just don't give up ;) I know that I am doing the 8 week plan slower than 8 weeks, but at least I am keeping on!! I really think it is a base line just to keep us doing something to make some progress. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it is to keep us accountable to something so that we don't give up. Also Sandy keep your WHY in front of you. The reason you came to WA to start with. My WHY is that I want to be able to make a full time living online so that my husband doesn't have to work so hard. He is having some major back problems and is in alot of pain almost constantly when he is working. Which is most of the time. :( He carries a toolbox that probably weighs a good 70 pounds. I also want to have the freedom to visit my 4 year old grandaught in Kansas more often.

Any way, find your why and keep it in front of you, (in your thoughts) all the time. Keep in touch.
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Sandy, No I haven't made any money yet, but I am not discouraged. Quite the opposite. I am so excited. I was able to open a WA Website account and point my website name to WA, all on my own. (with the help of some video tutorials from Deb Williams.) But that is something I would never have been able to do without WA. I also created my first Squidoo lens. I have a link to it on my WA space, and this weekend I'm going to create another Squidoo Lens. I have my cooking website almost ready to publish, but I don't know if I'll get that done this weekend or not. May not be enough time. Sat. we have to go to a memorial service for my husbands aunt that passed away, and Sunday we have a graduation party for my niece who graduated from High School.

I knew when I started that it was going to take me awhile to make any money because I have to do this strictly free. I have no extra funds to buy advertising, just the opposite, I need to start making money as soon as possible, but I want to build a business that my husband and I can be proud of and will survive through anything this economy can throw at us.

How are you doing? Let me know. Also stop by my Squidoo Lens and let me know what you think.

MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Sandy, Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I had my 4 year old grandaughter visiting for the past 3 weeks and since I haven't seen her since November last year, we were a little busy catching up. You know, having tea parties, swimming, playing dolls. I used to babysit her everyday from the time she was 3 1/2 months old til she was 3 years old, while my son was in Iraq, but now she lives in Kansas and it is really hard not seeing her everyday, but life goes on. So needless to say, I only worked very parttime while she was here. I now have my website published and I wrote a lens on Squidoo. I am also doing the Super Affiliate thing on WA. I just started that today. Actually, I am reading the Guide that Kyle and Carson wrote for us. I am excited and energized. I have spent all my gold except for 2 pieces. I have read some of the work on the Share Site and if I really like it or it is useful to me I donate gold to the writer. I have been trying to figure out what I could contribute to that site, since I don't really consider myself an expert in anything useful on internet marketing. I'm really glad Kyle and Carson came up with the gold though, because now I don't feel like I'm a leech, just using information from WA and not giving back.

How are you doing? Are things going well for you? Let me know. Keep in touch.
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Sandy,

Happy New Year!! I have not been dedicating enough time to my online business lately. Offline life has a way of "getting in the way". I have made a goal for myself to be a stay at home entrepreneur by this time next year. I have my goals written down, (my son bought me Brian Tracy's book "Goals" , because he knows I have a hard time writing my goals down and keeping them. However, I am determined to be successful in 2009, despite the economy and our new president.

I have not been online alot over the past few months, my daughter had a miscarriage just before Thanksgiving, so that was pretty hard on all of us. So that was why I didn't get back to you sooner.

Hope all is well with you. Are you still doing Ebay? If so, how is that working out for you under the new rules and administration? I just heard that Amazon has beaten out Ebay for sales, what is your opinion since you are doing both?

I look forward to hearing from you.
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Sandy. Good to hear from you. I was just wondering how you were doing the other day. :) I am not making billions of dollars yet....lol, but I am still learning alot and I feel that I am definately making progress on this IM Merry-Go-Round. I have 2 blogs started right now, www.zeromilecommute.com and www.charliemactavish.com. They both started out as one thing but I am changing directions on both of them. Zero mile commute is going to be a sustainable living blog, dealing with gardening, saving money, frugal living, that kind of thing. And Charlie MacTavish is going to be a blog about pets, their health, toys, money saving tips all written by my 1 year old lab retriever, Charlie. Kind of a twist on pets from the dog's point of view. I know I'm crazy, LOL, but I just thought it might be fun.

I had a custom theme header made for zero mile, but I still have not figured out how to put it on my blog. I had asked in the forum and silkie told me how to do it, but I think I am missing something, because I just don't seem to have the one thing under themes in my cpanel that I need to upload it onto my blog. I am also still working on my website, cookseverydayrecipes.com I just switched service providers so it is not republished yet. I just wish that I didn't have to go to my JOB so I had more time to do all the IM stuff, because I am having so much fun doing this.

How are you doing? What are you up to lately?
sandy Premium
hi.. how you are doing in WA. Any update
sandy Premium

How everything is going on. Have you earned some money here.. Pls let me know.
sandy Premium
hi.. how things are going on. Have you used your WA Gold. Any suggestions how we can use it..
sandy Premium

How is life. Please update me about your work on WA. I am eager to listem from you.

sandy Premium
Happy new year and congrats for having a new president. Hope Obama will take ur country to new heights.

I have not given enough time to WA, although I have purchased their accredited course and three ebooks. I have again started WA and hope the new year will bring some good results. I am planning to start with article writing and then will go with adwords. Also, I am happy that you have some goals written down and hope will be listen your success story very soon. Please update me regularly about your work on WA..

Also, I am very sorry to listen about your daughter. Hope everything will be alright and 2009 will bring all happiness to you and your family.

Yes, ebay has made it difficult to survive and I am also trying for other options. If you are a buyer, Amazon is much better than ebay. However for sellers, situation is almost similar whether it is ebay or amazon. If things are right, no problem. But if things start to go wrong, no one is there to assist you properly.

Are you using your gold? I cant find a way to spend it? Any suggestions? If you are not using it, we can exchane it and atleast some of the WA cost will be covered by this.

sandy Premium
hello.. how are you.. How things are going on?
anupam498 Premium
hi. nice to see u here in WA
sandy Premium
hi.. thanks.. do u know me??