Experienced Marketer?

Last Update: June 11, 2010

Although I have been online marketing for some years and have about 10 websites I am still learning new things every day. They say you never stop learning and it is true in my case. I joined some of the dubious offers early on and the websites that were created lie unused and unloved because a new challenge arose.

This is a poor way to go about things as when I get a free advertising offer I dither about which site to advertise and often choose the most convenient link I can find. Is this you? There are so many that have done this flitting about from one offer to another like a bee in it's search for honey. The bee often finds that there is no nectar left on a particular flower and continues it's search.

I decided to start afresh and deleted all the e books, training videos and even websites. I had struggled to maintain a cash free existence on the net but realised that if you were being offered something for nothing it was usually worthless asnd that the better opportunities required some investment. 

I am not rich by any means and my attempts to make a decent living on the internet have failed dismally if I am honest with myself so I have taken stock, researched all the avenues available to me and I have chosen Acme people search and WA as my way forward but I will still maintain the sites that are paying a little.

I have read all the hype I can take about the poor man who suddenly has this fantastic idea and is now a millionaire. I never believed them and never signed up for them but looked instead for realistic opportunities and my optimism is refreshed my determination re-inforced and I am determined to make a success of this if only a small success. I know that here I have the best training, a very supportive membership and I respect this organisation and it's leaders.so hopefully with that foundation I can begin to build a solid structure 

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