Doors to success

Last Update: July 02, 2012
In our lifeline there are many doors in front of us. Of the many doors, there are many and different kinds of paths that leads to many different other doors. But towards the very end of the last door, it'll take us to the same place. It's all in the matter of the pace that you take and the decisions that you make that will decide the timing of your arrival to success.

In this world, there are many professions and desires that many individuals undertake. Of the skills that they have, they could either use it on music, money, farming, engineering, inventing, and etc.. The truth that lies within themselves is the passion of their desire that will take them to the success of their dream. Others tend to not know what their dreams are or what they're even passionate about so they wander. Wandering is also key to their success. When they're wandering, they're entering different phases of their life. In other words, they're opening different doors to a path that they hope will bring success. Some find success early while others later in their life. Having a rich family members doesn't necessarily mean that the individual of the family found success. The success may be of the opposite that the individual desires, which is a normal life.

Your success is in your mind. Taking the pace that you're comfortable with is the easiest way to find the door to success. This kind of success will be the success that will be at the other side of the door, once you find it.
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