My First Steps....

Last Update: January 23, 2011

Ok. It has begun. I just registered my first domain. In the (golf ) niche. I know very broad but guess I can worry with that later. My first intentions are to put together some quality articles pertaining to golf instruction and just go from there. I use to play professionally so this is something that I feel I could do relatively easy.  I am not too concerned about monetization at the moment. 

Keep ya posted on progress...

Seth J

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sethjohns1 Premium
Thanks Dano, Will definitely be staying in communication with ya. Been away for a few days with work. Havent been able to do much work. Hopefully this weekend I can do a little more work. Hope your journey is going well. Seth.
dgmills Premium
Great start and a cool subject. I took some lessons at a very nice golf course on Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indy, but never took the time to pursue golf. Wish you luck with your new site. You know I'm new as well but feel free to call if you have any question within my skill range. Cheers, Dano