About Shaz2datop
Joined December 2008
The next $100 I earn online will be my first $100 earned online. From there looking forward to seeing the dollar amounts go up. I came to IM by way of my real estate investing hobby. It was a hobby in the sense that, I spent $1000s of dollars on various, books, training materials, etc., but never made any money. And I can honestly say that some of the materials/trainings were very good. The failure was on my part, the failure to implement.

Here's a rough outline of my plan going forward.

if something keeps me from being able to implement something
cry & ask questions in the forums (the crying is optional)
repeat the crying & asking questions as needed

I love the way WA is laid out. It's very helpful to have be able to learn in a way that includes tasks and goals to be completed. So far I'm learning to implement in baby steps, with future aspirations of earning like a "rock star."
Shaz2datop's Accomplishments

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shaz2datop Premium
Hello Everyone! I am a newbie and very glad to me here to learn so I can earn. Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.
shaz2datop Premium
Hi buddies, I'm not sure if this words the way, I think it will, but here goes. I'm trying to contact all of you at once. After all my talk in the profile above about crying & writing in the forums. I realize I haven't been doing that enough. I have been having a hard time with article writing. So I posted in the "general marketing forum" a post titled as follows: "ezinearticle reject: a story of how much newbies don't know." I would really love for you to check it and/or give feedback, comments and suggestions. Thanks in advance
Thateldoo Premium
Hi Sheryl...
I'm also new to WA. I'm working my first week of the 8 week plan and I'm getting used to some of the things on here, but I'll need to do a lot of re-reading to get it all together! Good Luck!
Thateldoo Premium
Hi Sheryl...this is a difficult time to be putting any effort into anything other than enjoying Christmas and the upcoming New Year Celebrations! After your visiting is over, get in touch, let me know how you are doing here at WA!
Talk with you later!
Thateldoo Premium
Hello! How was your time with family and friends over Christmas? I'm so glad to have received your post on my WA Space! I'm taking a few days to spend with family and friends for the New Years, but I'm still checking WA when I can! My article on Squidoo was a "trial", but now that the nerves have settled down, I'll get back to writing! I also joined Go-Daddy and now have about 7 Domain Names. Next step...get a website built! Will talk with you later...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
shaz2datop Premium
Hi Dan,

Thanks for reaching out! I feel like I still have quite a bit of work to do in my first week. I'm visiting family away from home, and pleased with myself that I have at least logged into WA to continue my studies.

shaz2datop Premium
Hey Dan,

I just wanted to let you know that you inspired me to get going on my blog. I have about 8 articles started I writing, 3 of them based on my keyword research for a free web site product I'm promoting. I'm looking forward to getting the articles posted to see if that does anything to increase my sales. I created 3 squidoo lens right around Thanksgiving, still working towards that first sale. And I hope to finish at least one article today. Happy New Year!
dominodivine Premium
Hey how are you doing..
klrrider Premium
Hi and welcome to WA... you are gregarious and that is a good trait for a WA member. Thanx for the PM and I will be looking for more of you in the forum.

click the pick to leave a reply if you like.
shaz2datop Premium
Hi klrrider,

Thanks for the info about the replying in the forums. I just wish I could find it again. BTW - I just read your newbie report, and I liked it.