About Sheilal
Joined July 2010
Hello All,

First and foremost I have been married for 26 years and have a fantastic husband and 2 great kids.

I have been working for the same small semiconductor company for over 30 years. I became interested in marketing about 11 years ago, with zero experience; my boss gave me the job. I basically read everything I can get my hands on. I participate in seminars/ webinars and learn as much as I can about marketing. I have managed to increase the company’s revenue over the past few years; my job title is now Director of Marketing. After the founder of our company retired and turned the business over to his son, I saw the direction the company was going so I decided I should start looking for other avenues to make money. I stared doing research on internet marketing, MLM, affiliate marketing, etc. After spending $ on books, internet marketing programs I was still very confused, information overload. Just yesterday I came across a site, which directed me to WA, so I joined. Hopefully I also have a success story in the future.

Best to all,

Sheilal's Accomplishments

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sheilal Premium
Hello, Of course I will be your buddy. Sorry it took me so long to reply, I’ve had a crazy weekend so far. First thing you should do is check out WA Action Plan, lesson 3: The Mindset and Niche Discovery. You can’t do a thing unless you have a niche. Make sure you scroll down and check out - A Quick and Dirty way to find Niches, also make sure you check out dmoz – a great site. Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions, I would be happy to help.
hampushm Premium
Impressive story, Sheilal.
That just proves that with enough hard work you can do anything!
My mom always thought me that and it has yet to prove me wrong! :)
sheilal Premium
Hi JJ,

I grew up in East Brunswick, still have many relatives there who live close to the shore, Malalapan, not sure if I spelled that correctly, probably not, but you know where I mean, I'm sure. I now live in Nevada, really miss the East Coast.

Can't wait to talk about our sales together. At the moment I'm reading the Wealthy Affiliate Survival Guide written by PotPieGirl it's great reading you should check it out.

Have a great day/evening,

sheilal Premium
I have added you, thank you so much for the help offer, I will take you up on that.

Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family