About Shorkie
Joined February 2010
Although my screen name is Shorkie all my friends call me Al, so please call me Al. I have been researching Internet marketing for a long time but had no idea where to find the help or the direction I needed to succeed. I have just retired from a real estate career and want to do something that will continue my flexibility as a professional and expand my knowledge in new areas. I am a people person and loved what I did as a Realtor. Now with all the foreclosures and shorts sales the business has become much less personal and more impersonal dealing with banks. I am single and lived most of my life in the Midwest. I have two grown kids who are still back where the ground turns white in the winter, yuk! brrrrr! I am now living in the desert Southwest and loving the warm winters and sunshine. I am very focused on building another business and doing a lot more traveling and meeting new business partners and friends. I am always willing to help with what I know and make new friends along the way. I wish you all great success and hope to meet many of you!
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andy1313 Premium
Hi Al, welcome aboard
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Swede1 Premium
wish you much success..."your on the right track"
ellyngeorge Premium
Welcome Al! How great to be in the beautiful desert Southwest - former Las Cruces person here - now in WI. You are in such a great place here at WAU!
bodovan Premium

Welcome on board!!!
Let me know if you need anything to help you here or anything else...
You also are welcome to share any useful information if you want...
Talk to you soon...

Take care,
Shorkie Premium
Thanks Ivan,
Just getting started here. Going to take it one step at a time. Thanks for the offer to help, i know I am going to like this online family and creating my new business. Thanks again Ivan...Talk to you soon, I know I will have question.