About Silverlotus
Joined May 2008
Hello Everybody,

I'm Silverlotus and very excited about the opportunities that WA offers. Many thanks to Kyle and Carson who I hope will receive abundant blessings. Many thanks to all WA members who take the time to share and make the time to care.
Internet marketing is still relatively new to me since joining Wealthy Affiliates a little over a year ago. My first challenge was to learn the language of cyber space and to take on the challenge of building a website. All of this was totally outside of my normal comfort zone but I took the challenge and got it done! Now my focus is on marketing!!!

I've worked professionally as an interior designer and as a television producer, both for many years throughout the US. I've enjoyed developing surface and textile designs for years now and have recently finished the historic restoration of organ pipes for a couple of churches. I love helping to take care of my incredible 95 year old Gram who loves the company and giving me her expert opinions. It's been amazing how all of these diverse experiences have come together and complimented each other during the development of my website.

My husband is a professional massage therapist, former athlete and a wonderful author. He recently published a book called Romancing the Soul. It is a phenomenal book that focuses on cultivating your divine purpose in life. You can check it out on the Trafford Publishing website. We're both mellow and really easy talk to. My passions are many working out at the gym, cooking the basic favorites as well as international culinary arts, music ...all kinds of music, painting, designing, creating, watching movies, meditating, dance performances, figure skating, performing arts, reading, writing, learning ( I just planted for the first time an organic garden), networking, traveling, politics, museums, making business deals, sharing with others. I love to communicate and help others and I really love to laugh.

Go ahead and add us to your buddy list. We'd love to hear what you are thinking.
Silverlotus's Accomplishments

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gigi Premium
Hi there! I'm new to WA and love your bio! Looking forward to growing together here. Can't wait to see your site! Adding you as a buddy, please do the same. ~ Gina
gigi Premium
Thanks for the advice! Pacing myself is not one of my strong suits! I think that's why God blessed me with Don, my husband. He's so-o-o laid back! And you're right about the mind blowing stuff. It's a real challenge to wrap my brain around some of this stuff. But I'm up for the challenge! My favorite verse and life motto is Phil 4:11-13.
silverlotus Premium
Hi Gigi. Welcome to Weathy Affiliates and Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing your story. Sounds like you have been on quite the ride for some time now. Congratulations on your commitment to excellence. Life can be challenging to say the least....but oh how God and determination can deliver. You are sure to love it here. This site really is awesome in so many ways, you'll see. I am happy to add you to my buddy list. Pace yourself, you're in for some new mind twisting challenges...but after all you've done already....you know you can do it. Good luck. If I can help just let me know.
revlistics Premium
Hi SilverLotus I just replied to your welcome on my blog. Not quite figured out how I reply properly yet, but getting there.

Anyhow thanks again.

good fortune Premium
Hello Siverlotus, I can't wait to see your website up and running. you mentioned that your husband is a professional massage therapist. I also have a strong interest in the health field since I'm also a professional licensed massage therapist and a licensed physical therapist assistant. Have been in the medical field for over 17 years. I do own my massage business and that in itself is keeping me pretty busy. Both my spouse and myself have always been interested in the affiliate marketing business. Question..Does your spouse have a website? Drop a line if you wish I love to hear about your upcoming links and products. Maike
silverlotus Premium
Hello good fortune. Welcome to Wealthy Affiliates and thanks for dropping us a line. We are currently in the process of building our first website. I'm doing all the work....lol....but he is shaping the format with direction and lots of positive feedback as it evolves. He is such an incredible inspiration to me before I knew it I was building a website for him. I've given myself 3 months to complete it but I hope to go online before then with a basic set up and then upgrade with add ons. Right now I'm still pulling the elements together. My basic set up gets more complex every day but I feel confident that I'm on the right track. It's a big job when you've never done it before so it's moving along slowly but I feel the emergence of excellence, creativity and timelessness coming together. Guidance thru the 8 week action plan has been phenomenal. I have also gotten great encouragement and support from the WA community. It was all new to me at first but I get more comfortable with the dynamics every day. You and your husband will love our website I'm sure. I'll add you to our buddy list and when it's done I'll let you know. You should include your background in your About Me Space. You can look up his book Romancing the Soul on Trafford.com publishing website. It's all about wholistic health....and is very inclusive. Hope you stay in touch. You will love WA!
DLS1 Premium
I enjoyed reading your profile it made me peaceful. I wish you the best in WA.
Hi Silver, How are things going so far?
I just scrolled down to read your blogs, way to go! I'll keep checking back in.
silverlotus Premium
Hi Studious Student. Thanks for the encouraging greeting. My blog is brief but I hope that it offers enough information so that readers can understand how I can best be of service to them. You are obviously a highly motivated couple. I too purchased a few IM programs in the past but none compare to the resources and joy that Ive found here at WA. I'm lovin it! If I can be of assistance to you be sure to let me know. Best wishes to you.