About Skill Promoter
Joined April 2008

My name is John Degen,
I am a former landscaper, rain gutter guy that was looking to promote my own business.

My quest began in the fall of 2003 while trying to learn what it would take to write an eBook about the industry I was in as well as drive more traffic to my own website.

Thus began my Internet marketing journey, after hundreds of hours (at the time) and dollars I had learned quite a bit, so much so I was sharing my knowledge with a few friends and family and they too were having success. Hmmmm

Now thousands of hours (and dollars) later, I%u2019ve put away my grunt%u2019n tools and equipment and now use a laptop full time helping people promote there gifts, talents and business on the Internet.

So, whether you're looking to bring your brick & mortar business to the Internet or enhance the exciting net presence you already have, I have the tools and the experience to help you.

I can analyze your particular niche, industry and/or competition to make sure you get the most for the least as well as maximize your Internet earning potential and/or exposure.

Visit my website for more information
or to gather some ideas.

To your success,

John Degen (Skill-Promoter)
Skill Promoter's Accomplishments

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Skill Promoter Premium
CAN WE SAY HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meet eBay's Worst Nightmare...
It's like eBay, Google & Amazon "combined"
AND on steroids.

This company is going to revolutionize e-commerce and the
whole buying, selling & trading Online as we know it!

I just came on board last week and I'm working hand in hand with the top 3
movers and shakers for the US launch (and pre-launch) . What an awesome
spot! and we need some strong leaders!

They officially open here in the US & Canada on Sept. 28th,
this pre launch now has only 275 associates in the US.

Here's the link about the US pre-launch www.DubLiNetworkUSA.com

This is bigger than HUGE!

To watch a video overview

Call if you have any questions.

John Degen
Skill Promoter Premium
Well, here it is a couple of weeks later.

Now there's about 500 licensees in the states with only
18 days until they launch here, THIS IS EXCITING!

DubLi, with their LOWEST BID WINS auctions for all Brand Names & Brand New Items concept is poised to be larger than eBay, Google & Amazon COMBIND!

I mean think about all the major giants in their class;

- eBay
- Craigstlist
- Youtube
- Google
- Amazon

These all have Millions & Millions of customers and are ALL worth BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars...
Imagine being in at the beginning of any these companies and they happened to offer you a monthly percentage because you helped spread the word. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That%u2019s what is available here with DubLi.

For those who are in at the beginning & the making of such history are sure to be SUPER, SUPER well off because they provide INDEFENT profits of up to 24% and then some.

Will you be one of those who said "I'm glad I did" or on of those who said "I wish I had?"

You've got to see this...


Then call me at 916.870.4772
up until 11pm PT

Don%u2019t miss this one,

Skill Promoter Premium
For the last three weeks I have been focusing
EVERY ounce of mental real estate on DubLi

I've been around the block a few times and have made a living. sometimes nice and sometimes lean.
Both with Online marketing & off, Internet marketing and network marketing.

And I must say, I have NEVER felt this way about ANYTHIG in my life
This is just to huge I CAN'T EVEN SLEEP AT NIGHT.

Here's a little tidd bit about DubLi,

- The company has already spent approximately 80 million dollars on the software and infrastructure.
- Company test marketed for two years to iron out the bugs.
- Launched & proved the system %u201Cin every country%u201D in Europe for the last six months, flawlessly.
- First 6 months of full operation it has created 14,000 or so licensees (less than 500 here)
with 1.2 million retail customers, this is totally a customer driven business.
- They are now publicly traded in the London (forecast NYSE 2 qt. 09)
- All brand names & all brand new items are being bought for just pennies on the dollar (and a few credits)
- There are already nearly 100's of Associates making a nice 5 figures a month (after just six months)
- There are about 50 - 60 of those Associates earning well over 100 - 150 thousand per month.

The name DubLi is soon to be as 'household" as Google or eBay. I believe DubLi and it%u2019s "lowest bid wins concept" is going to revolutionize e-Commerce as we know it.

Google did it - with the search engine
Amazon did - with books online
eBay did it %u2013 with the Online auctions
Youtube did - with Online video
Craigslist did it - with Internet classifieds
Bill Gates did it - with the PC

Could it be, DubLi??? - with the reverse auctions & FIRST EVER global market place?

You know what they all have in common?

1) Their ALL Consumer Driven
2) They ALL Have Hundreds of Millions of Customers
3) Most are Worth 10's of Billions (eBay alone brought in some 59 Billion last year)
4) And%u2026 They ALL started out... VIRALLY. Someone told someone who told someone and so on.

I can remember Google asking to send a link & invite a friend to try out their new search engine, remember that?
in fact, they all did and do.

Imagine being in at the beginning of ANYONE of these companies and they happened to offer you a monthly percentage because you played a part in bringing those thousands if not millions of customers to the table.


That is EXACTLLY what is available here with DubLi.

For those who help bring DubLi to the market place...
the profit sharing and overrides for you are staggering!

You introduce one, two or a thousand & two people (no limit) to set up a free DubLi account, try out the auction with a few DubLi credits and then DubLi will take care of the rest. DubLi will incentives these new customers to invite people and will then give those new people freebie credits to try it out and so on.

Thus starting an exponential growth campaign on your behalf and, at DubLi expense, NOT YOURS
With that, they provide you INDEFENT profits of up to 24% and then some, for being the one who started that new thread of customers (ALL OF THEM!)

You've just got to see this... www.HowDubLiWorks.com

This is NOT your typical "business opportunity"
- No products to buy
- No lotions, potions, or pills to stock or sell
- No monthly minimums
- No auto ships to maintain

This is real money, real percentages & real overrides, just for being in here at the beginning and spreading the word.

Let me close by saying,

I'm looking to partner up with a small group of forward thinking individuals to help with the U.S. launch of DubLi.

There is currently less than 500 distributors here in the states and I am
working hard and heavy with the top 5 movers and shakers for this US launch.

Take a close look & then join us, as we make history and
become part of the most dynamic Internet revolution EVER.

You can call me direct; I'm available 24/7
for Q&A and conference calls.

John Degen
Try it out for free

Be in at the beginning of something HUGE.