Guidelines to Writing Articles for Ezine

Last Update: June 27, 2010

Hi everybody,

Well this is my first official blog post. I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since August 2009. I have kept to myself and pretty quiet until lately because I really didn't want to bother anyone. I have been in the forum from day 1 learning from everybody. For those of you who are new, the forum is the gold mine for information and everyone there is so willing to help. It is priceless!

I guess the main reason I have been so quiet is that I felt like I had nothing of use to give to anyone. I just wanted to learn by myself and become successful by myself. Pride is a horrible thing and holds many people back from "Becoming" what we want and should become. Lately I have become more active and I have started to see more success in my efforts than ever before. I feel like up until now I have only been a "taker". Now I want to give back.

So, here it goes.

It seems that a main obstacle that most of us face is Article Marketing. It was for me too! I love to write, but something about posting an article to a big directory intimidates us. My intentions are to help you overcome that.

I had my first few articles kicked back to me for revisions, several times, because they did not meet Ezine Articles guidelines. I was discouraged but made the changes and resubmitted them. After a few tries they finally accepted them. But everytime I submitted a new one it needed revisions and I thought I would never get it right. There were questions I had about keywords, keyword density, titles and everything really.

Then I found a post on the Warrior forum that changed everything. It was about how to get your articles written correctly the first time. It was a guaranteed by the author that if it didn't work he would pay you $100. Now I am not making you that promise but I will tell you that it works.

Using the keyword tool here at Wealthy Affiliate, choose your keywords. Pick the ones with the highest Article Power and lowest competition. Since I have started using this tool, I have been able to pick keywords that have been getting 5 to 10 times more views than I got with articles where I picked keywords through other methods. So use the tool to find your keywords. (* this is a very important step!)

Now for using the keywords in the articles themselves.

1. Use it in the title

2. Use it in the very first sentence of the first paragraph.

3. Use it in a subtitle if you can.

4. Use it ONCE in the article body.

5. Use it in the first sentence of the final paragraph.

6. Use it in the resource box as the "link text" for sending them to a page on your site.

That is it. Ever since I started using this as a guideline, I have had all of my articles published on the first try. They get ranked well by Google and  get a lot of traffic. You will have to make sure of course that all of your grammer and spelling are correct.

I have used this guideline without deviating from it and on Friday I was awarded Platinum Author status (woo hoo). This was one of my goals and now I have achieved it. I have proven this to work and that is why I am sharing it. If I can do it then I know you will too.

I hope this helps. If anyone has any questions, I will be more than happy to help you. Don't be discouraged if you have an article kicked back to you, just make the changes and resubmit it. You only fail when you give up!

Ed Daniels

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iFaith Premium
Good article writing tips Ed. Thanks.
WriterGig Premium
Very good advice, Ed, thank you!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's great Ed. Congratulations. One of my bug-a -boos is keyword density. It's inhibiting to me. Your formula sounds very do-able. Thank you.
Thanks Bro. I appreciate it.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Ed, congrats on your success!