About Sky774
Joined September 2009
Hey! My name is Sylvia. I'm from Michigan, and while I'm not new to the Internet Marketing scene, i am new with actually starting my own internet marketing business. I am self-employed virtual sales agent, but business has been slow for a while so, I'm hoping that will change very soon and i want to make it so that my husband will be able to quit his crazy stressful job as a computer programmer and we can travel! That would be my dream!

This community w/ Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome resource and to be able to meet other people doing the same thing and bounce ideas off each other is a great asset, and i hope to make money soon with my new site and making new friends couldn't hurt either! So... let's rock this!!! :)

"Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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vladmaslo Premium
Hello and Welcome to WA. Good luck
Sky774 Premium
Thanks for the welcome! There's alot of info in here, just looking at everything. This is so cool! Hope your doing well!
mikepdennett Premium
Hi Sylvia, I dont know you but thought I would introduce myslef to you because I am on a mission to do well!!!!! However, how are you? what are your aspirations? what do you want? I know what I want but am learning to get it through this website!!! he he he anyrate, if you would like to build our own program and move forward using the WAU then we can help eachother. I need help same as many others. /so you have a friend in me if I have a friend in you. How does this sound. I know I am on the other side of the world but that does not matter anymore with email or IM. I have friends in China and swap times left right and centre!!!!!! So if you are the same as me then lets go for it. We will get rich together, what do you think?????? and we will get rich, I have no doubts!!!!!!!
Regards, Michael
Steven.P Premium
hi Sylvia welcome to wealthy affiliate if i can be of some assistance just send me a shout good luck!
Hockingcpa Premium
Hey, glad you're here! I wish you the best with your goals =)
blossomvinson Premium
Welcome to WA. You are at the right place if you are here to learn internet marketing and succeed. Let me know if you need any help. Will be glad to be of help.
