Bogged down with research - need to change tack

Last Update: October 13, 2009

So I set about following PPG's step 1: Choose two Clickbank products.

That took me a while. What to choose? And how? I'm not convinced I've chosen well even now.

 I then spent a good few hours boning up on Product A. My reading has included:

- the product's own sales page (which is pretty irritating and far too long)

- articles other affs have written on ezine and squidoo

- a couple of websites with related info

- a lengthy forum thread that was exactly the kind of thing I'd seek out myself if I saw either an article or the sales page - where people were openly debating the product's potential merits

Net result: I know a lot more about the product and the people who might be interested in it. But I am a long way from having an article written.

Oh well, one step at a time.

ADDED 13 Oct 09:

I'm going to set this Product aside for now. But I have cooked up a nice little angle that might just bring me a bunch of traffic. Need to stew on it for a while though.

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