Didn't get my WA money's worth this month or last

Last Update: April 28, 2010

It's my own fault. I've been busy. Loads going on. But not much coming in. The same old story. But things are changin', I'm sure.

 A few landmarks and developments:

- my first ever commission from Amazon sales from my first-ever WPAmazon store site

-  a new site built from scratch that combines aff products and high CPC Adsense; no revenue yet, but next to no traffic either

- started building an outsourcing team through ODesk; have used for writing (not great, but then I am hard to please); logo design; promo material design; SMB; Angela's links; Photoshop editing; linkwheel building

- launched my bro's new business, with promo materials, trade show support and start-up website with AWeber responders

- saved my skincare client from getting scalped by a 'Fixed Package' Adwords scam. Gonna use this experience to write a blog post on my main business site. I loathe ripoff merchants

OK, could go on, but need to get some proper work done.

Man, only one more day to give out this month's Gold or lose it. I'd better do the rounds....

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