Good things, not so good things

Last Update: October 09, 2009

Good things for me this week:

  • WA has lived up to expectation. There are tons of resources and successful IMers to learn from.
  • I have decided on my initial focus: article writing through
  • I have decided on my niche and have selected three products / merchants to start with
  • I have got my act together and sorted out the basics - b/g reading, research, bookmarks, sign up, blog

Not so good things:

  • I haven’t managed my time at all well. I’ve spent many hours online and have not structured my time.
  • I need to remind myself there is a real world not just an internet one. Too much PC time is unhealthy. I know from past experience that I tend to overdo it.
  • I haven’t yet written any articles or started work on my websites or landing pages
  • I've had some technical problems posting this blog, so maybe I'll draft my entries in Notepad in future


I think I can be pleased with what I’ve done this week, even though I haven't written any content or articles.

I've been able to spend a lot of time online and that won’t always be possible.

For action

Next step is to plan my landing pages and articles on my three products and then to begin the writing. This may have to wait a week or so as I have a lot of commitments next week. But one way or another, I will find time to do something to keep my IM career moving forward.


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Skybound Premium
Hi Whitimike - Yeah, it's coming together. I think the key is to realize that you can't do it all at once. You have to dive in, find out a few things and then step back from it all and get clear about what you need to do next. And DOING is what it's all about. Nothing is going to happen until you get down to action. I wish you well.
whitimike Premium
Sounds like you have it sorted - as a newbee I'm finding the whole thing a little overwhelming but am trying to focus on getting started then the real learning will start for me. Cheers Whitimike