Look out 2010!

Last Update: December 31, 2009

I was planning to write a detailed report on what I've achieved since joining WA and what I'm aiming for in 2010. But that's gone by the wayside.

Instead, I'll just say this.

I've learned a helluva lot in the past 3 months. I'm much more clued up about IM, web design, email marketing, article writing, autoresponders, social bookmarking, backlinking...

Yet I've only scratched the surface.

And I still haven't got my Super Affiliate campaign underway.

So, still loads to learn. Loads to do. Loads to gain.

To paraphrase those irritating Black Eyed Peas peeps:

I've got a feeling 2010 is gonna be a good year.

Hope it is for you too.

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