Off the blocks with Ezine at last

Last Update: December 30, 2009

Finally got round to completing my first article and submitted it today.

With a lot of research into the do's and don'ts I'll be stunned if it isn't accepted (but I know IM is full of surprises).

Here are a few of the discoveries I made on the way to writing that first article:

- You can add any number of 'alternate author names' - worth doing so you can develop your expert status in a range of different categories without looking like a jack of all trades

- You can submit an article under joint authorship - useful if you have a client or associate who lends extra credibility to your article

- EZ has an extensive set of editorial guidelines - well worth a read

- EZ suggests an ideal article length is 400-700 words

- EZ automatically takes the first part of your body as the summary, so unless you want to write a separate summary, it's worth thinking about your intro as serving both purposes - make sure you hook your readers either way

- Guiding principle #1: The article body is your GIVE, the resource box is your TAKE

- Guiding principle #2: You must deliver in the article body on the promise made in the article title

- Another useful rule for WA members: Affiliate links will be allowed if the link is a domain name you own which forward/redirects to the affiliate link from the top-level of the domain name.

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