Time I wasn't here. Maybe

Last Update: June 13, 2010

I never expected to stay with WA more than 3 months. But this is my 9th.

 As my blog posts testify, I haven't been here a lot lately.

Not because I've given up on IM. Far from it.

I've been using other resources. In particular, the same course James (jsides) has done - the ETycoon program.

I've also been distracted by my 'regular' job and other things.

Bottom line is I still haven't got my act together and I'm still not making more than a few cents from IM.

That's OK though. I now have the knowledge and resources I need and I'm sure that with a proper plan of action PLUS the action, I will soon make it pay.

But it also makes me wonder about continuing to pay my WA subscription.

At times it has been well worth the money.

But right now, I'm not getting much return.

Yes, I know you only get out what you put in. And if I'm not here, not reading the forum, not posting, not viewing the tutorials, not asking questions, not blogging, not using the tools... then of course I'm not getting as much out of WA as I could.

 Then again, I only have so many hours in the day. And being an active member of WA really used to eat into my time when I was first here.

It was worth it then. But I'm not so sure now.

Of course, it's also costing me $39 a month. And I'm definitely not getting value for money right now.

That said, I'm going to stick around for the next few weeks at least.

But I'm starting to think maybe it's time I wasn't here. 

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thesue Premium
I am in the same boat, I signed up originally for a year, so I am down to two weeks to decide. I basically have decided to stay, I made just enough to make my original money back and enough to pay for the next year... but i know what you mean, with all the info we read, and learned, we could potentially make it on our own. It is the action of course that makes the difference-- good luck.
jatdebeaune Premium
Skybound, I've missed seeing you around and reading your blogs. I know what you mean about not having time for everything at once, so you have to set your priorities. If another program is working better for you, then that's that. From my perspective, if nothing else was offered, this community alone is worth more than $39 a month. Remember they have raised the price 250%. Leaving and coming back??? You do have to be careful to guard your own work time while learning and networking. I always "hide out" when deep in work. Kind've have to do that in order to work well. All the best to you.