Website goes live

Last Update: November 25, 2009

It's been several weeks in the making, and it's left me no time at all for WA, but hopefully, it's been worth it.

I've now got the VEO site up and running. VEO is Vitamin E Oil. I'm working with a lovely lady I met earlier this year who makes her own cosmetics.

She's been making them for 10 years and has never done any proper marketing. Yet she has had some fantastic feedback from customers.

VEO is her star product. So I suggested we set up a solus site for it and put together a full-blown IM campaign.

I've been using things I've learned here, plus my own background as an advertising writer. It's the first time I've managed an entire online project, setting up the site from scratch, writing the content, setting up the email management, PayPal, etc. It's been a valuable learning experience for me.

I'm doing this all buckshee, but with the promise of a commission on sales. So it's a lot of time invested up front, but hopefully, it will pay off and build into a long-term gold mine.

I'm keen to hear feedback on the site, so if you feel like checking it out, here's the URL:

Added in response to comments:

Hey, what a difference a button makes! Here's the new one:

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Skybound Premium
Thanks Garrd - At the moment, I've decided to keep control of the testimonials and only allow customers to submit them offline.

Can you point me to an example of a policy page?

Good point about the blog. I'll pull it for now.

Any chance you could do a screen shot of how the pics look? They are fine in my browser (FF) but I haven't tested them in IE or anything else yet. They should show in full and only cut off when they bleed into the border.

Appreciate the feedback. Cheers.
Garrd Premium
I think you did a great job on your site, I hope mine will look that clean and organized. I do agree the buy buttons need some work and I also believe on you testimonial page you should have a place some could and a testimonial. also I think you need a policy page and,site map Two more things I am not sure if your blog button should show until some articles have been posted that will look like more content for spiders. Last one your pictures on the right side only show half way was that the way you intended? I am proud to see people getting there sites up live I will give you some gold for a great site.
Skybound Premium
Thanks, guys.
Ezshop24 Premium
Just viewed your web site...looks very good. You did a nice job with the layout, graphics, and images. I have always liked tabbed navigation.

One negative is the buy buttons...I would shop around for an image that you like that is larger. Those buy buttons look like standard form buttons in Visual Basic. I know you are targeting upper end clients but even they need that extra push...something as simple as a graphic button will do it. It doesn't have to be one of those ugly buy now buttons.

One other thing that I would recommend is to place an email form to collect the email address on the top fold of the first page. Affiliate marketers live and die on their mailing lists.

Later as you add more sites...I would suggest a slide out dhtml panel that lists associated sites. The click through rate is high for web sites...most people will be on your web site for less than 8 seconds. If you have a slide out panel on the left side of your web site with an associated web site you still have a chance to make a sale.

Great site, I think you will make some money with this one...don't forget to promote it with articles!

I am currently working on an ebook to promote my site. It has slowed me down quite a bit...but I think it will pay off in the long run.

Good luck,

idm Premium
It looks really great, lots of attention to detail.