Google - Exact Match Anchor Text Question?

Last Update: June 02, 2012
I was wondering if anybody knew what exact match anchor text exactly meant. Does that mean an anchor text with the same title as the page you're linking too? I was reading in places & they said "paid links with exact match anchor text" can hurt your webpage ranking in Google. I'm honestly getting tired of worrying about Google, but if anybody knows anything on this ridiculous issue, I would appreciate it.

Seth Layton
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Sielke Premium
Lynn has it right, people are speculating that if you use the same anchor text over and over Google may flag your site as spammy which will hurt your rankings. This is speculation, Google has said if they deem your site is spammy the Penguin algorithm will mark the site spam. What Google deems as spam we don't know for sure but seeing as many former Black Hat methods did exactly this, it wouldn't be surprising.
slayton1s Premium
Thanks Sielke. :) It just annoys me having to "waste my time" here and there making sure I write my articles around Google's guidelines. I'm just worried Google's going to make these rules so tight assed, nobody's going to be able to even fart. (heehee, it's the only analogy I can think of right now). I think it'll be good anyway given you'd probably have to spam links like mad for that to really kick in anyway. Thanks for answering that question.
Sielke Premium
It does seem ridiculous but Google has to be fair and they will fix their algorithms to match. Just stay with the "white hat" side and you'll be fine.
klrrider Premium
Anchor text with the exact keyword(s) you are trying to rank for. To me this is absurd... your paid ads negatively affecting your natural listings. Not sure if that is the case but if it is...
slayton1s Premium
Ah, I'm sure you'll be fine. ;) There's always Google Webmaster Tools for dealing with these types of delicate matters too. Of course the time you have to wait is the real question & concern though.
NatureLynn Premium
I think it means anchor text using the same exact keyword over and over again.

The picture of the Penguin is hilarious! Even though the Penguin update was not so hilarious....