My Dating Site Tips

Last Update: July 25, 2011


Online marketing:'); background-repeat: repeat no-repeat">
  • Write blogs on popular sites to promote it.
  • Use social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to influence your friends and followers by recommending our site to them.
  • Promote it on big forums by creating topics or replying to others' topics.
  • Create friend circle on social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace).
  • Create groups on YahooMySpaceFacebook etc.
  • Create fan pages or applications on Facebook to promote your site.
  • Add comments on related news, blogs or articles.
  • Submit it to search engines.
  • Advertise it on This proves to be cost-effective.
  • Join popular chatrooms to promote it.
  • Upload videos for your site on Youtube or other video sites.
  • Write articles about dating tips and special features of your site. Submit it to press release sites such as, etc.
  • Add links or banners to other related sites.
  • Add popup to other related sites.

Offline marketing:'); background-repeat: repeat no-repeat">
  • Invite friends, friends of your friends to visit and register on your dating site.
  • Use business card, fly sheet to promote it when joining social activities.
  • Use lawn signs printed with site name in your neighborhood.
  • Advertise your dating site in local radios, play ad, magazines, etc.
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