Seth's Story with Internet Marketing

Last Update: June 30, 2012

My Story

Hi! First of all thanks for checking out my blog. My name is Seth and to be honest I ended up quitting Wealthy Affiliate for about 8 months because of college and other personal things weighing me down. But now that I’m making $500 to $1000 a month as a sophomore in college and work for big dating site in New York, New York. I am now exuberant over being back in Wealthy Affiliate, and I’d like to tell my story.

First, I started out making a lot of mistakes with websites, I ended up writing 50 articles for Street Articles that didn’t help me at all that I ended up saving on a massive Word document, I’ve messed up with how I do my domains, and many other things. Put bluntly, I’ve made lots of mistakes trying to do Internet Marketing. At 1 point, I thought I’d never start making any money but I had that desire and motivation to keep on going.

So I started leveraging Street Articles greatly for many of my articles. Many of the articles I ended up ranking were often “free traffic” to my Street Articles profile but it helped me greatly with understanding how to rank articles and websites on Google. It eventually led me to writing an article called How to Rank High with Street Articles, Fully Explained that ended up helping many people. I’m glad that it did since my ultimate goal is to help people online. Not simply to just make money.

After that, I started taking my websites very seriously since I was starting to figure out that your websites are what actually makes you the money. Awesome mediums like Street Articles and all those other ones out there are “other ways” of creating traffic. Those other ways are smart since you get traffic from that medium itself big time along with Google, but it’s also smart to put articles on your OWN website because you actually get 100% traffic flow from Google like this as opposed to those “other mediums and article sites”. So I 1st started building a website that me and one of my old friends Meredith from Wealthy Affiliate were doing together. She actually gave up with all of this before and I was determined to help her with what her passion was.

Shortly thereafter, I started ranking pretty much all my pages on the 1st and 2nd pages of Google with ease, realizing how much having my role in Street Articles in the past had helped me. Even though SA normally ranks articles in about 30 minutes to 1 hour partly depending on how many ping services you’re hooked up to, your normal website will typically rank in about 3 to 4 days given you’ve set your blog up in a SEO friendly manner. Being part of Writer’s Secret Society greatly helped too since that increased optimization on my submitted articles and interaction with other users across the net.

All while I’ve been working on these websites, I’ve met some very interesting people who run big corporations and websites on the net. One of these people is named Joyce, a webmaster of a very large cougar dating database. I helped her with some things here and there on how to run her website and different ways to improve it. Then after delving more into the dating industry, I eventually landed a job working for a college dating site in New York, New York at!

It’s pretty much an advertising job where all you do is advertise this site, and I get paid to have people sign up to it FOR FREE from Southeast Missouri State University. At one point, I had even given advice to help them improve there site and my manager Melanie kindly told me I was a genius. lol. She's a very nice person and I'm glad to work for this company. But after it was all said and done, I’m now making between $500 to $1000 between both my job and my websites. Now I currently have 20 different websites setup with big plans for the future! On top of that, I have some big plans for Wealthy Affiliate partly thanks to my friend Kyle.

Because of everything I’ve learned, I’ve started finding myself helping many people in the online world starting out. Even just today, there was a new person named Maria I was helping for understanding where to advertise products and how to setup websites. If you don’t already know me, you’ll find I’m a very nice guy and I’ll be more than happy to help you out with any troubles you may be having. At the very least, I think it’d be awesome to be even friends!

Now as I’m back in Wealthy Affiliate, it’s like I’ve just gasped a breath of fresh air. In realizing the endless possibilities that are out there in the online world, I’m ready to take these possibilities headstrong and continue to chase after my dreams and goals with only the best intentions.

To your success,

Seth Layton

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Apina Premium
Awesome story Seth, it is a great thing to have people like yourself here at WA who persevere and make their dreams a reality. That story has just given me a kick up the butt to get some work done and make my own dream a reality.
slayton1s Premium
Thanks Apina. Yea, you definitely have to put in the work. That's a for sure. You'll find the work becomes easier over time though. 5 hour work becomes 2 hour work which becomes 1 hour work... The most important thing is you have fun with it though and on a topic you actually enjoy or can personally relate too.
warriorprincess Premium
Thanks for inspiring others kid...\m./
slayton1s Premium
haha, np princess. I hear ya on the kid part. :) If you need anything, feel free to hit me up a message.
leesworld Premium
What an inspirational story to read. I enjoy your story and your success. I will to be your friend and you should be my tutor as I want you to help me on how I can make success also. I will send you a private message, I hope you will be willing to help. Once again, congratulation
slayton1s Premium
Hey, I'm glad you liked reading it! I sent you a private message buddy.
BIS Premium
Very interesting to hear your story. Congratulations and thanks for sharing
slayton1s Premium
Thanks. :)
chamaltatis Premium
Nice one Seth! I'm really impressed that you are already making that amount of money n your young age. I also love reading some of your articles at SA actually. Keep it up!
slayton1s Premium
Thanks Chama. :) I do my best. I know you've written over 100 articles on SA yourself and have made other accomplishments yourself. I'm following you now on Wealthy Affiliate.