Posts by Slepage 2
June 12, 2010
It's kind of funny and I know my family would be looking at me like I've lost my mind, but I've run into a bit of a challenge that I wasn't expecting.  You see, I was a chatterbox as a kid (at least that's what my mom tells me), and now I don't know what to say or write.  I can come up with niches and keywords, got millions of ideas.  But when I try to put thoughts together on screen or paper I am having a heck of a time getting anything to come together. I've come up with a few p
June 05, 2010
$1000/day through affiliate marketing...WOW....would that make a difference in our life or what.  And since I didn't win the $50 mill last night (even if I did win I'd still be here, cause this is a great opportunity to have an positive impact on other people's lives) it's time to get to work.  Although $1000/day is a nice number, if that's the only number I think about I will get no where.  So we will file that in the back of my mind, and look at some smaller numbers and goals t
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