A temporary site

Last Update: November 01, 2009

I noticed last week when I went to fill out the Commission Junction & Amazon affiliate applications that they both required a website and CJ required a privacy policy with some pretty specific information included. So, I threw together a quick two-page site, albeit temporary, to fulfill those two requirements. The site is definitely not completed but at least I have a first-draft of a privacy statement up and a URL to provide companies that require it.

So, now that I've got that out of the way I've submitted the Amazon application and will get back to writing the 3 other articles I've been planning to write, one of which I've started and just just need to finish.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that once I get the first few articles under my belt I can increase the speed at which I write them.

Wish me luck.

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Garrd Premium
It sounds like you don't need luck you just need to continue on the path of doing.
To your success