About Slipperx
Joined January 2009
Hi folks
This is me after a day at the beach on the wonderful island where I live in Phuket, Thailand - it's pronounced pooket not fuket by the way.
I am completely new to this game but very willing to learn despite the fact that I am not the youngest chicken on the farm. Would be great if some of you folks could say hi to me and point me off in the right direction.

Hope 2009 is good to all of us. Take Care.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
gd_babe Premium
Hey Slipperx,
Welcome. I'm in week two and have "heard" the best place to start is with the 8 week action plan.
Have a look there and best of luck to you.
Angie :)
gd_babe Premium
Hey Ian,
GD could be the more coarse version of "gosh darn"!
gd_babe Premium
You're a handsome guy and in my opinion, not in need of any year removal digitizing! But, it can be done and I have done it!
Angie :)
slipperx Premium
Hey GD
Thanks for being the first to welcome me in here - much appreciated. I have been a good student and went into Week 1 of the 8 week action thingy but think I am going to go crazy waiting for week 2 to come around. have also been going through Junior's learning section - it's like being at school all over again. So what else could gd represent? - Good babe maybe? or something more erm intimate? Anyway good luck learning and well done with the Graphics side of things - I am useless at that but quite good at some other things. Take care and keep in touch eh?
slipperx Premium
Ah Gosh Darn - understand :-) Hey I have pretty much finished the resources at the Junior learning section - all excellent. Whilst going back and forward I found a post somewhere which led me to www.theaffiliategod.com. The guy has a completely free site with a load of videos which reinforce the things on here - and they load way quicker. I only just joined and have been watching - pretty good. I am not making anything for the referral by the way (LOL) but it's worth the trip. If you fancy it and have the time why not take a look. You remind me of a friend I knew a while back lived in Atlanta - just an aside and some nice memories. Take care and let me know what you think of the other site if you get to look. Bye for now.
slipperx Premium
Just had a thought - you could use your graphic skills to knock a few years off me digitally speaking - LOL
slipperx Premium
Hey thanks - well if I tried it myself I'd end up looking like a gremlin with my lack of graphic skills - maybe you could change the T shirt though - been scammed so many times they have already had that off my back!
TJ Books Premium
Click on my pic to reply. Welcome to WA. You look like you can do it! John
slipperx Premium
HI. I'm new here so please pop by and let me know if this is working for you all.