About Smittyket
Joined March 2008
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smittyket Premium
Hi, My name is greg, carpentry is what brings in most of my income, I'am going to change that with the help of WA. and new friend's from WA. I've have had a little success with internet marketing mostly with free ads and page exchanges. I just resently built a website for a product I coinvented with my brother you can check it out at www.bestguitarstand.com I love kids, and dogs, I play guitar,(semipro) and I love to drive my porsche 944. I,am gonna need help here so expect reading a lot of my posts.
hope to meet new friends soon.
TJ Books Premium
Hi, Greg!

I saw your note that you were leaving WA temporarily. I've been here for two months, doing more PPC. I always was a prolific writer but I'm more geared to writing articles that make money now.

What strategies have you been using to earn your dough? Did you use Squidoo? I wrote some lenses there but I get a lot more traffic on my articles at EZA. One lady told me blog my Squidoo which I haven't done. I blog my EZA articles all the time, however.

Do you use Utube or any of that stuff I know nothing about.

Good luck on your "early retirement" from WA.


canuck Premium
Hey! Great photoshop skillz on that car :) Muahahhaha
smittyket Premium
Thankx Canuck, yeah i wanted to see what other wheels would look like before I bought a set, I did buy a set on ebay and the guy tried to rip me off, I did get my money back thank goodness. Man your doing great with your marketing I hope I can get close to your efforts.