first blog of all time

Last Update: March 10, 2010

So after having spent some time, initially after joining, learning the basics of the language here and finding my way around...reading through the getting started guide and just basically gathering as much info as possible, i finally have decided on a starting point.

Today i have studied the STF and feel pleased with what i have done, feel happy that it's all starting to make sense to me and that my mind is now working with me.

Since i joined i have learned about article marketing and the squidoo lens, learned about keywords and phrases and how it all fits together.

I have learned about the importance of staying focused, as there are many distractions. 

learning to identify if something is valuable or just taking me off task, i've noticed that sometimes when i click on a link it takes me to other learning resources that can already be found here..

The importance of having breaks and not staring at the screen for too long, it's amazing how the hours fly by and before you know it your brains are in melt down mode. Take a break.

I'm gearing up to a squidoo lens to promote the STF and am really excited about creating my lens, today i've been researching keywords and had a sudden mini epiphany on my way home from the school run.  it is feeling like there just aren't enough hours in the day, as now i have to go feed child, but am finding it difficult to peel myself of the leather office chair...i want to research key words and put my brilliant idea into practice.  Solution..i've started a notepad file so that i can make a note of  keyword phrases that come to mind that i want to try.

Remember not to forget  : ) brilliant ideas by jotting them down somewhere til you can return and continue.

Ok enough i'm gone.    

shalom - see it , sense it, create it, manifest it.....give thanks and gratitude for you are blessed.








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sophia13 Premium
Hi guys...and cheers for that sophia, i'll check it all out, yep i was referring to strip the fat, i will investigate further lol
martyn01202 Premium
You're right about taking a break. I can be on here hours and only realise when my back seizes up :-)
vivacious Premium
Hi! It's me again. Just another thing I wanted to add to my previous comment, check out Pot Pie Girl. She has great tutorials regarding Squidoo. I learned a lot from her. Also, check out her site: I hope this helps!
vivacious Premium
Hi Sophia! Welcome to WA! Are you refering to Strip The Fat?
Well, you may want to check with Squidoo's Terms of Service first.
I think it may be a no no for them. Just double check the SquidDon't
list. I could be wrong, but it's better to be on the safe side. Best of Luck!