A must for All

Last Update: June 19, 2011

If you are a parent and your children are struggling with Mathematics and the sciences in school you must read this blog. I almost want to Insist you do.

Since joining WA I understood in my early days that to be successful on the internet you need to give the public something they require. Something which could genuinely change their way of life in the same way WA has done for me. Not monetarily yet but in the way I think and approach my educational day.

My key theme over time is going to revolve around "Gearing For The Internet Age". I will not go into details on this here and now. You cannot have a new age without a new Educational system. Yes folks there is a Phenomenon happening on the Internet tis minute. It is called the Khan Academy.

It will revolutionalise the way we study. The Vision of a Hedge Fund analyst to create  "A Global One world Classroom" where people from all over the world can help each other. Believe me it is happening do have a look and see the introductory Videos by Bill Gates and Khan himself at TED. Hailed by Bill Gates as one of the greatest Pioneers of all times Khan teaches Mathematics, Sciences, Banking, Finance and commerce through 2400 Videos and 100 self Paced Tutorials.

Visit www.khanacademy.org



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Sherion Premium
I saw this on TV somewhere and have checked it out. I have watched some of the introductory tutorials and have referred people to it. It is too cool. At least Gates is giving some of my money back. LOL
jatdebeaune Premium
Makes me want to go back to school. Wonderful idea. He's sharing a huge amount of knowledge and wants to expand. What a service. What a mind he must have. Love it! Thank you.
soumitra Premium
I hope you enjoyed your visit.