I Need To Discipline Myself.

Last Update: June 12, 2012

Being new to WA is quite a challenge. I must say, my hopes are still very high. Nothing would change that. However, I need to discipline myself, and practice some much-needed self-control. Not sure if this applies to all the newbie’s, but I am having a fight with myself not to skip, hop, and jump around the site. I suppose this may be a normal reaction considering there is so much to look for, so much to search for, so much to see, and do, listen and learn. We have videos to watch lessons to accomplish. Members to meet, blogs to write, and this is only the beginning.

So far, I have not completed any days of the 30 day plan ~why? Too busy hopping all over the place (site). Checking this out. Check that out I realize if I plan to be successful at any level, I must make myself stop doing this, and follow the steps as outlined by the professionals. Can't help experiencing feelings of pure excitement~WA is the place to be if you plan to make your mark in this world in a way, it reminds me of a new building being built ~without the foundation it is going nowhere. So I get it. I know what I must do, I must work my way from the bottom up to the very top and practice some much needed self-control. As stated before, stay with the program, follow the steps and head for success. WA all the way, each day draws all of us closer to our goals! Determination, reaching for the stars, and being your own boss is enough for me to baby step my way to the top, stay here, never stop or, never look back.

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jan_osbert Premium
I do struggle with this too. Like what Thomas said, having a plan of action for the day really helps give you direction so you won't be just going around the site and accomplishing nothing. Having a set of specific goals will surely help so you won't get lost and you have a sense of direction.
sparkle1973 Premium
This makes a lot of sense Jan~ need to put this action into motion and move it, thanks!
ThomasPaul Premium
I tend to get sidetracked easily too. I'll decide what I want to do for the day. Then I'll do it. After I've finished my action task for the day, I'll read blog posts and comments.

I can't remember if it was Kyle or Carson that said it but either way it's solid advice. I wish I could remember the exact words but it was something to the effect of:

For every hour you spend learning, spend an hour implementing/taking action.
sparkle1973 Premium
Hi Thomas, so we are two peas in the same pot, so it seems, ha! ha! I think I need to change my thinking process and take things from there. Got another problem with procrastination, not a good thing, especially when you're trying to change your life and make a better future for yourself. Thanks for your reply.
BIS Premium
Welcome to WA. Yes you're experiencing what every person goes through. We call it the 'Shiny Thing Syndrome' - where you get distracted by all sorts of other things that you think are important.

Personally I build in some time when I can flit all over the place - but the rest of the tie I stick quite rigidly to an action plan

Good luck

sparkle1973 Premium
Hello Beverly~nice to know there is a name from my condition, and that I'm not alone dealing with it, and there is hope that I will heal. I will need to get busy working on the 30 day plan asap, and move things in the right direction here. Appreciate your reply. Have a good one.
veronica.l Premium
First of all welcome to WA! We all feel overwhelmed and don`t really know where to start in the beginning. Try to focus, start and complete the 30 day success plan and you have a step by step guide to follow. Best of luck, let us know if you have any questions!
sparkle1973 Premium
Good morning Veronica~I know I need to get busy with the 30 day plan and health plans to start that effectively today. Thanks for your reply and I also wish you success with WA!
Amy Farr Premium
That's right! Pick your niche...your passion. What do you love? For me it's the elderly, specifically those with Dementia and Alzheimers. I know the elderly population is exploding and I have much experience in their care and what their needs and wants are, as well as how to effectively communicate with them and their families.
You wrote that you were a florist. Design must be your thing? Flowers? Helping people create something beautiful for a special occasion? You have customer service and artful design, dealing with vendors and cash...all that experience! What can you get from that to use online?
Maybe a passion you had as a child but never got to fulfill as an adult? Most likely you can pursue it here. Even if it was dance (for example) ! You can investigate the latest dance styles, trends, footwear and clothing and go with that...
Just some ideas to hopefully help you on your way!
sparkle1973 Premium
Hey Amy, how you doing today? Thanks for the great suggestions, you have a special way of expressing yourself and putting your feelings into words. Like you, I also have a special place in my heart for the elderly. Prior to going into the floral industry, I used to work as a CNA~and most of my patients were elderly, and I enjoy working with them~you are right. I do have a lot to write about and experiences to back it up~thanks again for your feedback.