A bit about myself.

Last Update: December 05, 2011

I am a fifty seven year old man who has led a long and varied life. At the tender age of eighteen whilst doing National Service, I got some cuts and scrapes. The long and short of all this, is that, I lost all my hearing. What is known as profoundly deaf. I learnt to lip read and went to Agricultural College, where I passed my diploma despite being the only deaf person there. Very shortly after this I lost my country and went to live in South Africa where I managed to own my own farm. It was whilst living there that I had a Cochlear ear implant which enables me to hear sound. Eventually I left South Africa and returned home to the family farm in Zimbabwe. Sadly, in 1999 we were kicked off our land by a tyrant. I moved with my wife and three children to Ireland and worked on dairy farms. But the times are bad and I lost my work.

So here I am, trying to give it a go on this Internet Business.

Wish me luck. 

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