About Ster35
Joined January 2010
Hello, my name is Sterling and this is my first adventure into internet marketing. I think making money and new friends are some the best things to do online. I can't wait to use all the tools and knowledge that are available here. If you know about a tip or technique that's worth it's weight in gold drop me a line and I'll make sure you get rewarded. I wish everybody the best in 2010!
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MsBettyJ Premium
Welcome to WA!
Ster35 Premium
Thank you for the welcome.
killxp Premium
Hi Ster35,
Welcome to WA! You have taken your first step to really making money online. I am fairly new here as well but I pretty much have all the basics down. One of the biggest problems that newcomers face is getting overwhelmed with all the wealth of information here and not doing anything. To help remedy this I just created a new resource that you can get to from my profile page, let me know what you think. Also, it could be easy to get sidetracked when you see a product that promises money fast. My suggestion is to not spend a dime on anything at first even if other members recommend it. If you have any specific questions you can just send me a PM. Best of luck to your Internet Marketing Success!
killxp Premium
Thanks for checking it out. I really think it will save everyone a lot of time. From here, you should already know if you are PPC or AM. If you are going article marketing then you have the guide to choosing a niche and a product all set. Make sure to sign up at all the websites I listed to the right that are called, landing pages, blogs, article directories. There is a link to a product I am promoting there as well that starts off with Outsourcing? Just leave that one alone. No need for it. From there you should check out the Article Marketing section of the Training Center. The getting started guide there is OK and specifically for article marketing not IM in generally like mine. Also, you can get to some really good resources, I know everyone likes PPG's. Its all in the Training Center under the article marketing tab. If you are going PPC then let me know. Hope this helps.
Ster35 Premium
Hey Sid, thanks for the welcome. That resource you made was awesome. Yeah everything is kinda overwhelming there's like 50 million start here guides.If have any advice for my next move I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Arina23 Premium
Hi! Welcome to WA! Best of luck to you! :)
Ster35 Premium
Thank you for the welcome. Best of luck to you too!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Same to you. Take care.
Ster35 Premium
Thank you for the welcome. Best of luck to you!
martinact420 Premium
Whats up Sterling? Where do you want to get started?
martinact420 Premium
Everything is good man. I been snowmobiling most the day and got back and decided I better get back to work.

What kind of marketing do you want to do and what product are you looking to make commissions off?
martinact420 Premium
It depends on if you want to spend money. Article marketing is free and it is what I do. I also use seo to maximize my articles effectiveness. Dont think you have to sell strictly clickbank. You can sell any product you want with articles. I find that my physical products sell much better than the digital. Now thats NOT saying you cannot make bank with Clickbank, cause you can. Anyone can. Just dont get stuck in thinking in one track like Clickbank is all I'm saying.
Ster35 Premium
Hey what's good Thomas? I'm just kinda overwhelmed on where to get started, but I'm checking out stuff tho. Knowing what you know about making commissions where would you start? Thanks
Ster35 Premium
Not sure, I'm brand spanking new so I guess it would be better to do article marketing huh? I had better go get a clickbank account.