C'ant keep on the right track!!!!

Last Update: February 01, 2012

Bugger, I am at it again, just can't seem to stay on the right track. That decide what to do and then just do it. Seems like I always either get sidetracked or worse still, I lose faith in what I am doing. I know I shouldn't after all I have been getting traffic and even sales (though not many) but still something tells me that I am not going get anywhere.

My biggest problem right now is really myself. I have the resources and great help here at WA but it seems like I am unable to make good use of it. It is all due to my state of mind.

If anyone has any idea on  what to do to find the right "mindset" I would be happy.

Thanks and all the best


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Moonshadow Premium
This will be simple ... if you have a site up and some satisfaction with it then stop waiting for it to do more and get moving on another project ... make another site ... then, if you disposition changes, go back and tweak on your previous site. This way your energy flows with your current interest ... I hope this helps ... Robert
Stilltrying Premium
Hi there, yes I have actually been thinking of it. Should I maybe work with simple Micro Niche Sites which are easier to set up.