Blog Theme Question

Last Update: July 18, 2012
I don't love my theme for my pole site. Does anyone have any recommendations I really wanted it to have an image that showed the art of pole dancing or some sort of burlesque type image. I really don't know what to do with it I can't afford to pay someone to redesign the entire site. Should I try to find someone to design a banner and just use a template that will let you load your own banner? Is there someone out there that does this stuff on the cheap?

Thanks! I have been working hard today and now I need a break any help will be appreciated as always.

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Labman_1 Premium
I've found that the weaver ii theme (free) is highly customizable. If you have something in mind for a header image I can help you out with that if you need.
sundcarrie Premium
Yes I would love help with that!
LordDemon13 Premium
Hum.... You could try Glow from ElegantThemes (demo: ) I could probably give you the .zip files because I already have a subscription for ElegantThemes

Btw, the ads on the right side don't really fit in the sidebar :/
sundcarrie Premium
I realize that the ads are too big but I can't find a theme I like that will fit the affiliate ads I have in the side bar. I may have to figure out some alternative method for the larger ads.