Who Invented Liquid Soap and Why?

Last Update: December 04, 2009

I think I've started doing exactly what I've been told not to do and that's spread myself too thin.  I joined WA just over a week ago and read through all the training tutorials and thought I was ready to go. 

I find myself stuck.  I'm not sure what to do next.  I have this feeling that I want it all to happen right now and yet, I haven't even finished my first article.  Is it too long?  Did I pick the wrong niche?  Is it too broad?  Are there enough keywords?  Are they the right keywords?  Once the article is written, then what do I do?  I can post it on the ezine thing and the squid place, but how do I get paid?  Do I fill my article with links to products?  Do they pay me?  How does the landing page work?  Do I need one to make money?  Clickbank and Commission Junction asked me for my website, but I didn't think I needed a website to write articles.

OK, I'm just going to get something written and posted.  Then I'll go back through the tutorials and see what needs to be adjusted.  Whew!


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Louise M. Premium
Yep I agree with dr.resiprosity09 on that. Your symptoms are fine Dino ! lol 'cause the other thing that happens is when newbies want to know EVERYTHING before even starting to write an article's title. Indeed, what we learn with a bit of experience is this : Testing rules ! lol Better learn this now ! But yeah sure, the resources here are very clear and they help finding a strategy, a good one. Then you just stick to it for a while and never hesitate to change it if it doesn't work.

Good luck grumpy man ! ;)
Supafly Premium
Thanks. That's good advice. I just read PotPieGirl's Mind Eraser and she said the same thing. I will get it done this weekend for sure.
Article writing has been my thing since I first joined and it's still a work in progress. What clicks for me may not click for you, so I won't suggest reading 'this" or 'that' to better understand the process. What I will tell you, though, is to just DO something. Take action. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Experience is the BEST teacher. Everything else is just a secondhand suggestion.
My Ezine article(not sure how many people caught the joke in my blog) was a test article-based on a test niche- that I did just to gain some experience. When the dust settles and with some experience you'll be fine.
Article writing has been my thing since I first joined and it's still a work in progress. What clicks for me may not click for you, so I won't suggest reading 'this" or 'that' to better understand the process. What I will tell you, though, is to just DO something. Take action. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Experience is the BEST teacher. Everything else is just a secondhand suggestion.
My Ezine article(not sure how many people caught the joke in my blog) was a test article-based on a test niche- that I did just to gain some experience. When the dust settles and with some experience you'll be fine.