About Superduty
Joined June 2010
Yup , that's me, boots, hat, kinda how I go, and in the pics you see my good
look'in wife ( little woman ) Sherry in her ride, and last but not least our 1 1/2
yr old Airdale, a REAL challenge to keep up with. I'm retired from armed security
and love old cars, collectables, woodworking, gardening, and fixing whatever
needs fix'n. Right now doing a major bathroom remodel. We love going on road trips, doing a little photography, and even some Karaoke now and then. Do I have
IM experience ? Nope !!, but I'm gett'in it right here with WA and all the great
people, Kyle, Carson, Potpiegirl, Travis, read'in my butt off and going down that
rabbit hole, See Ya there!!
Superduty's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. Feel free to ad me as your buddy and If I can help with anything let me know.
Sherion Premium
Hi Again. Click on my picture to the left of this message. It will take you to where my My Space is at and to the right of the screen is where you add me as buddy. Also, on the top of my picture to the left side of the screen you will see where it says Blog. I put a blog in there the other day for newbies to be able to look up terms and abbr. and other things like that. Check it out. I was going crazy till I found these resources. Later
superduty Premium
Hi Sherion, I'd love to have you as a buddie, but haven't
figured out how to do that yet, in the training I think it says
go to the forum and click on a photo or something like that
but haven't been able to do that yet lol. thanks for invite and
you can add me too.
Cheers and Success
Taos 9 Premium
Hey John - Hope you don't mind, just added you to my buddy list. I figure anyone mad enough to be into Karaoke is definitely worth knowing and probably has the balls to make it in IM. IM experience? Me neither - cheers Philip
superduty Premium
Hey Taos, don't mind at all, in fact I'm glad, need buddies,
How do you add buddies to your list?, not sure how to do that. Still kinda new with the computer.
Talk Soon
superduty Premium
Yup, Thats me, boots and a hat, and thats my little woman
in her ride, and last but not least is Bodie, our one and a
half year old Airdale. I am retired from armed security, love
old cars, collectables, woodworking, gardening and what
ever needs fixing, right now doing a major bathroom remodeling project. Have never had any IM experience, but
thats all about to change. Ive been reading my butt off on WA,
Potpiegirl, Travis, Kyle and Carson, I believe you can never
graduate if youre in the game of life, just keep going down
that rabbit hole. Im kind of a "KISS" guy, keep it simple stupid
and right now it doesnt seem so simple, BUT, it will BE !!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
superduty Premium
Thanks Jamie for the welcome, its already beginning to
feel like a warm family and I am looking forward to sharing
success with all.
truejule Premium
Hi superduty. I read and like your analogy to the gold mine. I joined on 6/7 and like many others am hesitant to send those emails out. Not because I don't want to share 'the gold'. On the contrary, I've been sharing my store of green that it's depleting now. But, where I come from there is no one, not relative or friend who has ever done anything but 'punch a time clock'. I keep think it seems like a lot of money to pay every month, but on the other hand...they are, and I myself have paid money to get to that time clock every day. Car, gas, lunch money, sitters..
Well,..you get it.
Welcome to WA and great success to you!
superduty Premium
Hey Truejule, Thanks for your comments, I believe we are
both pretty new, I joined on 6/4, and its like you have something new and exciting to do everyday, and remember
its at your pace, one day I want to throw everything in the trash, and then the next day, everything works. just takes
patience and never quiting.
Best of luck to you also