About Swolfe
Joined June 2007
My name is Scott Wolfe. I live in Bourbonnais Illinois with my family. I drive a cement truck for a living. I hate it but it does pay the bills. Maybe through WA I can learn enough to give it up.
I love to fish and try to get out whenever I can. Usually once a week in the summer. I have also done about 6 trips to Canada. I usually catch big fish. At least one good sized one every time I go out. I consider good size anything over 5LBS. I don't fish too much in the winter but I do go ice fishing a couple of times a year.
My other interests include Game programming and 3D graphics. I' am not very good at either one because I don't have a lot of time to devote to it, but it is fun to play around with. I, am also into playing computer games and of course making money on the web!!!
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lrh1966 Premium
Hi Scott, how are you doing today on marketing?
wolvie36 Premium
Well somthings got to change and I don't thing it will be the industrie any time soon,the only plus right know is we get paid by the load and it only takes 13 loads to make a forty hour check so that aint to bad. oh ya nice boat. now I just got to figure out how to make a web site with out it freezing on me.lol check ya later
Scottay Premium
Hey Scott, how are ya? Nice fishing boat, that's what I need to get. Maybe next spring if I make any money by then. Just thought I'd drop you a note instead of talking about fishing in the forum. I went out on Sunday, yesterday, and got a few small mouth bass but it was hot and sunny so the fish were hiding. I get both small and large mouth up here, the lake I have a cabin on has lot's of Large Mouth. It's about 4 hours north of Toronto. Any way take care,
Mike Salvatore Premium
Hi Scott from Mike. How are you doing with this endeavor? Turning a profit?
zuoguanggao Premium
Hello Scott: I have a question for you. How do you sell if the hubpage didn't allow you to put affiliate link?