What I just realised about ACTION!

Last Update: July 10, 2010

Last night I was thinking in bed and something new about action occured to me.

This is what I know already:

1. We live in a physical plane, so we need to take action to progress - just thinking takes us nowhere (I have spent alot of my life just thinking!)

2. The right actions for any person are the ones that FEEL right to them - the ones that make them feel good.

3. Everyone in life has there own hill or mountain and as they take actions they move up or step up their hill.  This means that they are able to see more things and from a slightly different perspective than before taking the action.  The more action you take the more your view of the world will change and the more opportunities you will see.  Good actions that feel right to you will lead you further up your mountain.  It also means that we all see the world from a slightly different and unique perspective.

Of course, that is just from my perspective!

And this is what occured to me...

4. Every action you take is like opening the door onto a new room and it is IMPOSSIBLE to know exactly what that room contains until you have taken the action.  The expectations that you had when you thought about taking the action are never exactly the same as the outcome of taking the action. Life is full of surprises - often pleasant ones if you only take actions that FEEL good or right to you.  Good Action leads to an amazing journey.


Someone once said to me "Stop thinking and start living", which I found good advice, as I tended to think myself out of taking action on good ideas by thoughts which we lead to a poor outcome.  But I could never know that would have been the case because I never took the action to see all the wonderful things that lay on that journey.

So now:
1. Have an idea that feel goods.
2. Enjoy the feeling of a good idea but don't think about it too much or where it may lead
3. Take an action on that idea that feels good to you
4. Enjoy the results of that action
5. Go to 1 
And we are on a wonderful journey that could lead anywhere - in this case hopefully to $100 a day and more

Maybe a bit waffly and theorectical but I'm sure someone will get the idea

Let's go!

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Hawk51 Premium
Hey Ted

Awesome read and makes a lot of sense.
