About Tekiah
Joined June 2009
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tekiah Premium
Wow! All the Gold has been stolen and we went backwards into 1969!!!!!!
tekiah Premium
Geesh! I hate that photo...but when you are always behind the camera there isn't much to choose from! I have gorgeous pics of my family & friends though. This is my FIRST DAY here! ;-) WooHoooo..........
tekiah Premium
Here we go...mid-life transition. I worked for 24 years as a CNA ( Certified Nurse Assistant) and have totally burned out on that. It would be very depressing to have to return....so I won't! I started a native plant nursery in Western North Carolina and sold plants on Ebay for a few years and still very proud of of my 100% positive feedback. Moved to North Alabama but the native plants didn't like it and I was getting very tired , physically. (It was 98 degrees in the shade last summer with 75% humidity...YUK! Definitely too hot for me!!) This new opportunity in affiliate marketing was well researched before I jumped in. I'm looking at WA like a University degree, wanting to learn all I can and hoping and planning and setting goals..... I realize, with both feet on the ground, that I have LOTS to learn before I start turning a buck but I feel SO BLESSED after spending time reading posts in the forum, and seeing everyone out there encouraging one another. Thank you all a bunch!! This is going to be fun!!
tekiah Premium
I was born in Winter Garden, west of Orlando. I miss the beaches. I used to hang over the walk bridge at Sebastian Inlet and throw for mullet. I miss that sound of roaring waves & perpetual wind. When I'm stressed out I close my eyes and try to remember it.
Here is a little note I cut & pasted to my PC monitor. I read it for encouragement: "To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did". When God takes something from your grasp, He isn't punishing you but merely opening your hands to receive something better. The will of God will never take you where His grace will not protect you and He has something good for you today!
Hey, if what I just wrote about bothers you, you can un-buddy me - LOL. No problem....I'll understand cause I'm used to it...(smiles)
So what do you enjoy doing? Found your niche yet? I joined a program with 7 income streams last week. Trying now to get it all sorted out & organized in my head. I made $125 on guaranteed commissions so far and $1.10 on one of the referral clicks.. LOL!! Hey, thats better than nothing and I'm encouraged for my first weeks earnings!!
You know where Disney World is located, right? My Dad was a grove foreman. He had all the keys to all the gates of the groves where Disney now sits. There used to me some of the best fishing holes there....boy, those were the days.
tekiah Premium
Hi cb13b,
My name is Mary, by the way. I'm still in week 2 as well, so don't be discouraged. I've always felt that anything GOOD happening to you is going to be loaded with distractions to keep you away from it. I vow to forge ahead too when I can get to the PC and when I'm tired?...I take a nap! Right now I'm dealing with growing & harvesting a 3 acre garden in 98 degree heat with 85% humidity, my left knee went out and got a 2 week hangover(but its getting better now), and I swear, everytime I get on the PC the internet spies get on right on top of me and everything grinds to a screeching halt. LOL....I've been learning about article marketing, landing pages and trying to build a website. One niche I'm working on and trying to develop is home vegetable gardens from the perspective of depression/recession/survival. There are a significant amount of newbie gardeners out there this year and they need help. I read all the doom & gloom news websites, as I watch this nation go to crap, and I take 2 capsules of St. John's Wort everyday to help me get over what I read...........I feel like it's a fairly untapped market from that angle. Now, I'm looking for a free tool to make an ad box to put on someone's blog (who gets 250,000 hits a month) for a measly $5 a month!! Yes, I fell into that one! Thank God for favor! Look for Pot Pie Girl's 1000th post & read it. She also has a free newsletter and free Squidoo manual to help out. Very inspiring. CU...........
tekiah Premium
Here, go by yourself a drink & stay outta the heat for awhile.