About Terry Neal
Joined June 2009
I live in Bloomington, MN, I think it is Great when members let us know what part of the world they are it's cool to have friends everywhere.
I have been working towards online marketing for about 10 years now, I haven't made it very far until WA.Things are getting much better and I am learning tons from WA and other marketers I have meet.
I love WA the program, the education the forum and the people.Finding a niche on the internet can be a gold mine and so can niche marketing affiliate programs, products and services.
I am a Veteran of the U.S. Army,divorced, remarried,(separated (too much time on the internet), dabble in acting,modeling and have done commercials for TV.
See my face book page to view one of my commercials.

If you join me on skype send a message saying you are from Wealthy Affiliate.

YIM: terryneal1
Skype: terry-neal
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MMagny Premium
Terry hi how your doin new to the online marketing thing wonder if you can help me out thanks for your welcome
Terry Neal Premium
What is it you need help with?
zuoguanggao Premium
HI, I am in Tissa's program. I don't have any result. What about you?
Terry Neal Premium
hey, dont spend any more using adwords until you do all the training in the education center on ppc.
Start using forums,blog,social and anything you can do for free as long as it is related you should learn doing that also , not to mention you will get lots of ideas as you do that process.Get on Tissa's webinars as often as possible.
DavidSchmidt Premium
Hey Terry, how is everything going?
DavidSchmidt Premium
Hey Terry, how is it going? Are you getting things going here?
DavidSchmidt Premium
California is very desperate for more money but no matter what we send Arnold he won't listen, but I plan on doing it anyhow. So you are going to bum your way to a million!? lol Awesome.
DavidSchmidt Premium
The squidoo tips page points to my own website as oppossed to a sales page of an affiliate. Just one of many future backlinks I am creating. Work in progress :)
Terry Neal Premium
Hi David, yep working on articles right now ! I have decided I will be a bum and make a million.
How about you?Did you hear Ca. is working on legislation to tax affiliate checks?
go to the http://thedra.org and you can get a sample letter to send to Arnold and tell him not to do this, it will be a night mare for those cutting checks to affiliates.let everyone know about this we need to voice our opinion.Even if not a resident of Ca.
Terry Neal Premium
Nice online dating tips, s there a link someplace to a sales page ? Pardon me I am new :)
Terry Neal Premium
ok I saw you have yahoo IM , but now I can find , wanna add me terryneal1
mastofdom Premium
Hey Terry, this is Slaven from APS. I am finally back, as I can afford the membership now that I am a SS at APS. :)
Terry Neal Premium
Hi Slaven, I am glad you are OK and that you found WA, I guess if you make it your quest to find others like yourself to tell about WA and bring them on you should be wildly successful.
I am glad to see you made it I know we talked in the aps forum and I also made SS this month aint it Great.
Have fun.
Terry Neal Premium
Hey Slaven,
Great squidoo,
nice job.Keep it up !
Steven.P Premium
Hi Terry welcome to wealthy affiliate good luck
Terry Neal Premium
Thanks for the welcome,I look forward to a great experience here.