About Tford27
Joined July 2009
Hello WA! I am a 23 yr old mom & student. I am currently employed by one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, yet I am in need of MORE! I am here for the same reason that you are; to provide for my family and fulfill our dreams! So far WA seems promising and resourceful. So I am looking forward to meeting you good folks!
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Thunderbird78 Premium
hey tierra,

welcome and good luck to you

thetopham Premium
Hey, welcome to WA! if you ever have any questions, the forums are your bible!
DavidSchmidt Premium
Thats a great picture you have here. Makes me want to go on vacation! lol
tford27 Premium
Thank you! I hope you get on that vacation soon! You daughter is beautiful.

Many Blessings,
Steven.P Premium
You look like such a loving mother I love to see people taking action to better themselves even if they are in a good situation it's inspiring to me. welcome to wealthy affiliate good luck and best wishes!!!
Steven.P Premium
i been taking it serious since march i would say. My words of advice is find the the energy or drive that got you into the largest telecommunications companies in the world or that got you into school. the information you need is here. but you have to know it's here you have to believe it's here. if you just think or if you dont believe this stuff works it won't.

You have to go out and try it a few times. make mistakes learn from your mistakes and get better everyday. it's a gradual thing. The more effort you put in the faster the money comes out. If you put in minimal efort you wont see much if anything. It's like you have to break out of the shell first and KNOW whats going on. Like really a few lessons and you can easily be well on your way. but you have to at least give the program a fair try. i know it's overwhelming.

So if you havent yet do the 8 week action plan. and read it over a few times until it sounds repeatitive and then start doing what it says like really try it. Remember with wealthy affiliate nobody has to know who you are you an internet marketer period. When cops do they job they hide behind theyre badge same goes here your an internet marketer so dont be affreaid to go out and do you job. The major issue is people dont take action. like as i'm writing this to you i'm writing another article in another tab. i like to multi task lol but you feel me you got to get into it. I actually give it a try.

from the information you have above i'm sure you know what success feels like. So let that be another driving force here allow yourself to be successful again. if your stuck just gimmie a shout i'll do what i can best wishes!!!
tford27 Premium
THANK YOU Mr. Kush! My daughter is my motivation, shes the reason why I have turned to internet marketing. I figured if Im going to work, I'd rather work while watching over her. However this IM business is a bit overwhelming, so I am trying to stay focus. How long have you been in the biz? Any words of advice?
tford27 Premium
Well thank you for the words of encouragement sir! I am going to pace myself and continue on the 8 weeks course. I'll keep you updated with my progress. Have a blessed day!
mightyone Premium
Welcome get your dreams and desires. What company are you with; AT&T or TMobile?
tford27 Premium
AT&T, its a great company but theres only so much advancement in corporate america :/ So I've turned to internet marketing. How has your experience been with WA thus far?