More Important Than Platinum WA

Last Update: July 04, 2016

I posted this on the forum a few minutes ago and think I should give it a more permanent home here on my blog because I think it is very important.

I do want to make sure that fellow member's are not insulted by my comment about "the blind leading the blind" as I included myself in that group. I appreciate all of you and enjoy tossing ideas around together. My point is simply that we need active guidance from K&C (or their representatives) on a daily basis in the forums.

Here's the post... posted in response to someone asking what we all thought about the new WA web design upgrade.

Okay here's my two cents..

The new site looks different. Different not better. End of story.

Honestly, I don't care about the fluff (gold, member rankings, etc).

To be frank, I am not paying $40 every month for WA gold or to be admired by others (no danger of that now ). Don't get me wrong. I have built friendships here that extend beyondthe walls of WA. I love the folks here but I don't care about memberrankings and such. I do like WA spaces because I like to know a littleabout the folks I'm conversing with on a day to day basic. It helpsbuild camaraderie.

Nor am I here to spend even more money onproducts that WA has created. I know some folks think that it'sexpecting too much for WA to offer those for free. They're not free. Ihave paid WA about $400 to date for my membership here. As we all know,web hosting is cheap and there are free forums all over the internetwhere novices coach each other. I expect more since I am paying for it.A lot more.

Here's all I really care about. I want to see Kyle and Carson (and maybe a team that theyassemble themselves) on the forums, everyday! I am getting pretty tiredof the blind leading the blind around here (myself included).

Yes,some of the members are very knowledgable. But some only think they arevery knowledgable and we don't have much of a way of knowing who's who.Kyle and Carson, we know are experts. We come here for expert advise.Let's start seeing that in the forums on a regular basis, starting now!

Thosewho have read my posts before, know that I love WA. But, I am not"blindly" in love with it. There is a need for improvement as I have justpointed out.


UPDATE: I want to quicklyadd one point before anyone responds (or doesn't). Of course, I do notexpect Kyle and Carson to respond to every forum post. Not possible.That's the point of them assembling a web team.

What I do expectis for their team to notify them as needed about major discussions andfor either K&C or the team to let folks know when bad advice isbeing given and redirect us to the correct course of action.

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klrrider Premium
Hi Donna, nice post...

I think the actual instruction here in WA provided by K&C and their stickies in the forum are the standard by which to judge everything else.

Maybe when answering in the forums we should concentrate on directing attention to the appropriate WA resource first before offering our own ideas?

But the real gem here IS the exchange of ideas and the fact that K&C allow them and are not threatened by them. If you only want WA instruction that is easily accessible, however 2nd opinions are nice to have and most of the time they either corroborate WA's instruction or enhance it.

I personally like the freedom provided here at WA and hope that there is more than one way to accomplish things. If not then we would be doomed to competing with singularity of action with no variety of choices.

I belong to another membership site without a forum and I have no clue who the other members are. I therefore have no one to bounce things off of or collaborate with. Good instruction I must admit but a sort of sterile environment and not as fun as WA.

Would I like to have K or C as my personal coaches? You bet, but there is just not enough of them to go around and I doubt I could afford them... I think this is about as good as it gets!
