About Thenumberonecollector
Joined October 2008
12 Years in the army. Recently back from Iraq.
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jchoice Premium
Welcome to WA! You will learn a lot of things in WA, it can be quite overwhelming in the beginning, but you will get through it for sure. Just wondering, how did know about Wealthy Affiliate? Anyway, to your success. jchoice
TJ Books Premium
Welcome home! It must be great to be back. Welcome to WA. Work hard, do your tasks and ask questions. John
TJ Books Premium
Hola, Numbero Uno! Welcome back from the war and to WA. I guess I somehow missed you when you joined. John
guitar fire Premium
Hi and welcome to WA! Good to have you here.
thank you for serving our country. I checked out your web site and it is good to come in already having a web presence.
Wish you the best,
Guitar fire,
Johnz60 Premium
Hi Numberone , Welcome to WA! Thank you for the sacrifice that you made for our country! And welcome home.
My name is Bill and Im hoping to learn here at wealthy affiliate.