About TiaraKate
Joined February 2011
Mission Statement

The reason that I am here at WA is to educate myself through the written material, videos, WAbinars, mentors and the ultimate goal of applying all that I learn to finally achieve my dream of having an online business and, actually, having multiple online businesses. I also want to be so incredibly educated/experienced so that I can, in turn, give back to another "newbie" wanting to achieve their dream. I love to help people and I love to see the joy and satisfaction when they achieve a dream or goal. I have been interested in Internet Marketing since 2007 trying different methods and trying to teach myself through free/online educational material, of which neither have been successful. I want this so incredibly bad that I have never given up and I will never give up until I achieve my dream. The fire that is lit is furious with passion for internet marketing. I believe I have found the resources and community that will ultimately help me achieve my goal/dream.

I am interested in all aspects of internet marketing be it driving traffic to sell someone elses product or to drive the traffic to my own online storefront (website). I understand both but with what I call the "swiss cheese affect". In all reality, my vision is to build both. I want to make Internet Marketing my lifelong career. My passion and interest in this business is over-the-top. The other aspect that is a motivator to me is the desire to help others. The internet, obviously is a very powerful tool; the potential to do ANYTHING is unlimited. With that said, I also have a vision of creating, at some point, a venture that will make money that I can, in turn, give back to the community. Not only to help humans but I have always wanted to have a managable facility for displaced horses (i.e. horse rescue). I can visualize these dreams and goals coming to fruition, visualizing so much as if I can touch them right at this moment; the ability to achieve all my dreams, I believe, will be through internet marketing.

As far as what I want to promote or sell, that will obviously be determined by market research, the ever changing market and the education I achieve through WA to make smarter business decisions; at least that is my viewpoint being somewhat of a "newbie". I have very diverse interests so no matter what I choose to market, what niche I focus on or if it turns out to be a passion/interest of mine that I am promoting, I know I will be happy during my lifelong career as an internet marketer.

As of today, March 9, 2011, although I had a bit of a slow start "out-of-the-gate" due to unforeseen and extenuating circumstances that evolved, I am back "in the saddle", confident and ready to "rock and roll". I will stay as tightly dedicated and self-sacraficing as humanly possible to achieve my goal of a lifelong internet marketer. So, presently, I am working on the second lesson of the course, setting up my goal/task manager, completing my affiliate program promotion of the WA course (need a little more clarification on how else I can promote on FB), need to introduce myself to the community and view a few of the WAbinars that have my present curiousity interests (where the holes are at..lol).

Thank you for taking the time to read my mission statement.


About Me

Although the picture you see as my profile picture is a big part of who I am, there are many facets to me. I will share my personality and interests, first, followed by my career and business ownership and ending with my goal and reason for being here at WA.

Personality: Fun (over-the-top), funny (off-the-wall), witty, full of life, energetic, can get a little crazy/wild, spontaneous, tenacious, driven, entrepreneurial, high-spirited, smart/intelligent, outside-of-the-box thinker, "glass half full" attitude (very positive),can have intelligent conversation on many topics, strong will, committed, independent, curious, playful, adventurous, bubbly, sweet, kind, huge huge heart, warm, caring, lives in the present and not in the past, drama-free (hate, hate drama), easy going, down-to-earth, love life.......

Interests: Horses, Horsebackriding, Harleys (as a passenger), roadtrips (love them!!), camping, fishing, hiking, quads, poker, shooting pool, darts, horseshoes, target shooting, bbq, cooking, love to entertain, sports, sporting events, concerts, Country Dancing, weight lifting/exercising, Country music, Classic Rock, trucks, love learning new things.... I am very diverse in my likes/interests. Have not found too many things that I do not like.

Foods: Mexican, Seafood, Chinese (love Chinese take out, rent some great
movies...Movie day!!...lol), Italian and good old American.

My career for the past 20 plus years has been in Mortgage Finance, therefore, the "Corporate World" is not unfamiliar to me. I had owned a construction company with my ex-husband for quite a few years. It was a small operation but a successful one until he was involved in an accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury. Between that and the economy, we had to close down our business. I have always wanted to have my own business and have been striving toward that goal for quite some time; constantly searching for the information that I needed to get rid of the "swiss cheese affect" out of what I had already learned about online business. I understand quite a bit of online business and the various areas but too many gaps and not enough information to completely get to where I want to be. I believe I have found what I have been searching for WA.

I am presently enrolled at a University to get my Associate Degree in Business Administration. I had only been enrolled in this University for a short time when I found WA. I decided to enroll with WA, as my ultimate goal has ALWAYS been to have an online business or more than one online businesses. I do know that this is quite a heavy load to have but I want an online business so very badly there is truly nothing that will discourage me. I am very dedicated, committed and hard working and do not stop until I achieve the goals that I set.

My ultimate goal is to, as quickly as possible, completely educate myself and get my business off the ground. I am presently on a 100 day goal plan that I have set for myself. There are about five areas in my life that are a part of this plan, of which, this being one of them...online business.

Well, hopefully I have given some clear insight of who I am, both personally and professionally and my basic online goals.

I look forward in getting to know the WA Community!!

TiaraKate's Accomplishments

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chunkynonkey Premium
hello and welcome kat! u- definately r- a go getter with a positive spirit,that is our common bond amongst us- i take in rescues of dogs- cats love all of GODS creatures great and small- fellow member bill
webkab Premium
Sorry about that I sent you the wrong message before. Welcome to WA. There's lots of information here at WA so don't let it overwhelm you. Start by taking the training in the Training Center. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. You will find info there that will get you started including some videos. Then go to either magistudio's blog or up to the Wabinars and go to the two videos I feel will jump start you in the right direction. There entitled An Affiliate Walk through 1 & 2. Enjoy and MUCH SUCCESS.
TiaraKate Premium
Thank you very much for your advice and for the welcome!! Just accepted your buddy request!!
webkab Premium
I've welcomed you back and just read your about me page. I like everyone else that come to WA usually become overwhelmed when looking over all the info here. But if you just take the training in the training center. That will get you somewhat acclamated. Then, you can talk to potpiegirl about her training but what I found that opened my little mind with all of this was just Video 1 & 2 entitled
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
TiaraKate Premium
Thank you, Jamie!!
TiaraKate Premium
Thank you, Jamie!!
TiaraKate Premium
Well, I did not get off to the start that I anticipated here at WA but am working to get back on track. Shortly after enrolling, it seemed as those one thing after another was coming out of the woodwork. I am EXTREMELY good at multi-tasking but when you throw emotional situations into the mix, its get a bit tougher to manage. I am currently attending a University for my Associates in Business Admin. I found WA one week after enrolling at the University. WA has been a place I have been seeking for my online education for quite a few years. I decided, based on my present situation, that I could handle both. There was not much room for error and my life has been relatively structured without any major surprises. Then it all began to hit shortly after enrolling at WA. Two serious car accidents within one week of each other that involved family and friends. Two of my girls (my daughter's friends that I have known since they were young girls..they call me Mom and we are really close) were in a rollover/head-on accident. Both were in ICU; one is out but the other one is still fighting for her life. The other accident involved another one of my daughter's friends and she is still in a drug induced coma, brain injuries, etc. and fighting. Horse colicked over this past weekend and was an issue that required a Vet visit, treatment and close monitoring by me. There are a few more things that have happened but no need list any more, I am sure you get the idea. At any rate, not wanting to share the drama. I am a very, very positive person....always seeking the silver lining in all things. Just a little frustrated as I want what WA has to offer in education, guidance and community so incredibly bad.

I will be posting in the intro portion of the forum, shortly, to introduce myself. I feel more comfortable now with the site and how to get the best out of the education as quickly as possible. I hhave attended two WAbinars and they were excellent!! I am tired of the struggle of trying this and that to help me get my online business off the ground. I have finally found the place that I am so incredibly confident will provide what I need to be very successful.