
Last Update: June 14, 2010

I was outside playing with my 20 month old son.  I was grilling the hamburgers and he was playing with a broom and the wand brush for washing cars.  As I was sitting on the picnic table seat, he would begin trying to sweep away little pieces of grass, etc.  He first had the broom, I held the car brush.  15 seconds later, he would switch with me, wanting what I had.  This took place a few times where he would then use the other item and then switch with me.  

There would be times where we would switch, he would look at what I had, then switch back, without doing anything at all.  The look on his face suggested, "Dad, whatever you have, that's what I need!"  The old 'grass is always greener' concept.

Well, I'm not quite that bad but I'm about to venture into these waters.  I know these things take time but I'm looking for that first sale and it hasn't come as yet.  As you can see, I joined WA May 4 this year.  It's June 15 today.  So a little over 5.5 weeks with WA.  

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not using the correct CB product so I'm contemplating starting something else.  For sure I'm doing something incorrectly or not enough of.

 I just looked and saw that my member rank fell 4 points!  (isn't that just great!)

But I'm going to hang in there.  I believe in WA!

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jatdebeaune Premium
The member rank just shows how active you are in the community. That's all it means. When you write more, your member rank goes up. Experiment with keywords. They seem to hold the basic answer anyway, then you have get a product people want and write very informative articles. This business is a lot of trial and error. Don't get discouraged. It'll all come together. Do you have Market Samurai? It's a wonderful tool for keywords. I'm loving it because you can fine tune your keyword to what is converting. You can check it out for yourself and get a free trial. If you buy it, would be great if you purchased it from maureenhannan who is a fellow member here at WA. She's a new affiliate of Market Samurai and a wonderful member of our WA family..