About ToksickLogick
Joined May 2008
My name is Harrison and i am an ambitious man. I am all about making my money. I have had my fair share of obstacles i believe i can tackle building a successful online business. I have a strong desire for great computers mine being the fastest in my household, it has a quadcore processor, 4 Gigs of RAM and a GEforce 9800 Gcard with a 22 inch monitor. I had to post a picture of it. It is nasty!!!

I am down to talk about writing or most anything so feel free to throw me a PM or a IM via AOL Instant Messenger...

I do recommend downloading Pidgin.... http://www.pidgin.im/download/


Good times marketing,
ToksickLogick's Accomplishments

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Jason H Premium
Hey man, what college do you go to?
emarketingguy Premium
You can live like Thadroe right now!!! You dont have to wait.....
Peep my recent article.........www.squidoo.com/roulettesoftwarereviews
emarketingguy Premium
Yea I dont care too much for roulette either but I kid you not, this software doesn't fail! I actually hate the game but the software tells me what to do! I make over $150 per hour and I haven't lost one time in 6 months!!! I make about $12,000 per month right now working 20 hours per week! I love poker too! I live and breathe NLTH and I love Pokerstars.com too! But the only way to make serious cash online at poker is to play Single Table Sit N Go tournaments in which case I would recommend SitnGo Shark which you can google online and buy and it will help you win big! I'm not a gambler because I never bet hoping to win, i just spin the wheel, enter the numbers into the software and the software tells me where to bet! Thats it!
emarketingguy Premium
If you are here it is because you think already outside of the box! Why not prove it?
andyleela Premium
what's up Harry
ToksickLogick Premium
hey buddy!
ToksickLogick Premium
I go to Harford Community College for right now.
Drew Premium
sup broski
Drew Premium
hahah @ the comments below.. you're such an easy target.

By putting "love money, I spend it just as fast" in your profile, you pretty much just gave every person with common sense a free pass to sell you worthless shit!

Good luck with that lmao.
Drew Premium
ToksickLogick Premium
yoz a little pale!
ToksickLogick Premium
"Hey everybody!, look how good i look"
ToksickLogick Premium
LOL...true whitey...entirley true
ToksickLogick Premium
hey i don't want him taking all the credit for that white castle, 10 burgers 2 fries and 2 drinks are mine...lol, interesting night that was.
ToksickLogick Premium
Drew..... You ar one suspect cracka.
ToksickLogick Premium
Are you expecting to get your gold back?
ToksickLogick Premium
im writing articles, but they are taking longer because i have school and work every day of the week.
ToksickLogick Premium
Drew, it's about time we started talking...contact me

You know the rest just get a hold of me, I work four days a week and school two. only off on weds.
ToksickLogick Premium
Hey Hammond, i want you to know the only reason i ask you to do my site for me is because i trust YOU more so than i do anybody else online. Now it's a heavy task that is true and a time consuming one, but if you complete my site and make it profitable i will make it worth your while.

C'mon blue, your my boy!
ToksickLogick Premium
Hey Drew, i im new to internet marketing could you walk me through how to write an article, the basics?
ToksickLogick Premium
hey drew you are my favorite WA member, you have the best insight and articles. It is all so useful .
ToksickLogick Premium
Congratulations Drew, itsound like you have achieved alot, you must pwn noobs!
ToksickLogick Premium
Drew, when you wake up and read this i want you to know im disappointed in you.

You took me out of your buddies and you couldn't pull an all nighter. Tisk tisk...

im not sure what i should write here,