Day 19 of 30 Days to Success--My Accomplishments Thus Far

Last Update: July 09, 2012
I began WA March 9th of this year (2012). I have been working on the 30 Days to Success program as much as time will allow. It is now July 9, four months since I first began! Though I am only now on Day 19 of the curriculum, I am happy with my time spent with WA so far.

My accomplishments thus far:

I have a domain name.
I have a blog.
I am currently one of the top 20 authors for Street Articles.
I now have a Facebook account.
I now enjoy working on the computer, whereas at one time I was skeptical of technology in general and wanted to stay away from it as much as possible.
I have thoroughly enjoyed doing these 19 days of the curriculum and being a member of WA!

Things I still desire to accomplish:

I want to finish the rest of the 30 Day curriculum.
I want to then evaluate how I should move forward with my site once the 30 Days has been completed.

Things I have learned along the way:

Like they say, "Stay focused!" It is quite easy to get distracted with all of the tools and information you receive as a budding internet marketer. Thus, I find that I need to do one thing at a time and that one thing is: Do the 30 Day curriculum . . . and not anything else! Accomplish it . . . and then move on (or redo it again!).

Here's to Day 19 of the 30 Days to Success curriculum!


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ThomasPaul Premium
Awesome work! Focus is something I'm still workin on too.
tpriem Premium
Thanks, ThomasPaul! I hear ya about the focus part:)
Carson Premium Plus
tpriem Premium
Thank you, Carson, for taking the time to write. I appreciate it. Like I said, I'm greatly happy with the time I've spent doing WA thus far; I'm enjoying the lessons. I couldn't be happier with it. In due time, I will remember your invitation to providing me with direction once I finish the 30 lessons, should I need some guidance. Thanks so much! I hope the Open Education Project is going well . . . :)
saxon Premium
Thanks for sharing! I'm just starting to work my way through the 30 day plan... so far so good :).
tpriem Premium
Good to hear, saxon! Keep it up:)