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This is a 10-lesson course that is part of the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification. It will walk you through the steps of creating a successful online business that generates revenue. This getting started course (level 1) is your first step to realizing your potential as an online business owner :)

This is a video

Tasks 0/5 completed
1. Understand the "The Process of Earning Money Online" Infographic
2. Join in on this discussion and add your personal "money" goals
3. Comment on at least TWO people
4. Write down your 4 NON Financial Goals

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indrani26 Premium Plus
Carson, Welcome to WA community.
As a new member here, you should check out the Online Entrepreneur Certification getting started course (Level 1). This is a task based course that will get you taking action on daily tasks that will lead to you building web assets. Here is the link that you will see within your main menu labeled "Get Started Here".
Online Entrepreneur Certification - Getting Started (Level 1) 23

Carson, To build a successful online business (the house), you need a properly set-up website (foundation). Investing a few months to do this is a blip in your life, but one of the most important months of effort you will put forth. These are the foundation building months that will lead to LONG TERM success within the online world. This is updated when its ON.
Carson Premium Plus
Tabs1 Premium
Carson, this is the place where you can get unlimited guidance and help all that is needed to built your website.

Carson, this is append comment and user's First Name can be used using the variable in the message.
You have made a great decision to be part of our community, and I look forward to getting to know and work with you!
Carson Premium Plus